
Coffee/Tea & My Happy Place

I hope you are all finished with shopping, wrapping & decorating, so you can "live in the moment" of the season.  I've been doing just that, and thought I'd share a few last glimpses of Christmas merriment around our home.  For me, I've saved the best for last.  Let's take a look, shall we?

Whoever came up with the idea of creating a "station" for favorite beverages, truly deserves a blue ribbon!  I have so much fun creating our beverage bar, but I don't limit it to Christmas.  We are coffee and tea drinkers (mainly me) all year long, but it is so fun to add some special things this time of year.

I will switch out a few things, but this tray of goodies will remain here for another 
couple of months.

Coffee, tea, cocoa and a sweet munchie, anyone?

The recipe for Crockpot Salty Sweet Candies can be found HERE.  They are so delicious!  I made them for our neighbors.  

This is where you can find me about ninety percent of the time....my "Happy Place!"

I did more decorating in here than I have in the past, and I love it!

I even found the perfect spot for one of my 4' trees.  Not for sure yet, but I may keep the in here for a few more months and decorate it for Valentines' Day & Easter.  Shh....The Man doesn't know it yet, but this tree may become a permanent decor item in here and get decorated for all the seasons!

Some thoughtful words to reflect on every day!

I've so enjoyed the company of this sweet little "Shopper Snow-Woman."

Love my little cork tree!

The Man gave me this folding ruler, and I quickly shaped it into a star.

My sweet angel watches over me all the time.

 I made these wood block ornaments a few years ago....my kiddos when they were little.    

The rest of the little block ornies landed here in the laundry room.

My kiddos and the kidlets make me smile while I fluff and fold!

It's a very good thing my HAPPY PLACE is just a few steps away from the kitchen, because I've been rattling those pots and pans quite a bit lately!

Our neighborhood (about 10 families) has started having monthly Block Parties as a way of creating much more of an extended family community.  This was part of the spread this past Sunday evening.

I made THIS Christmas Tree Spinach Dip Breadsticks....I know this isn't a good angle, but I was lucky to get this pic!  This did not last long....so good!

I also made THESE Slow Cooker Baked Beans but substituted a pound of ground beef for most of the bacon...I chopped up about 6 slices of cooked bacon & added for extra flavor.  This is a very good recipe and makes a lot!

So I've hung up my aprons now....at least for a few days!  How about you?  Are you in relaxing-mode and just enjoying these last few days before Christmas?  I hope so!

Merry Christmas & Warm Hugs.

I hope to be joining some of these lovely ladies this week:

Kristi at Making it in the Mountains for The Creative Gallery
Cindy at Dwellings--The Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday
Maria Elena at Our Home Away from Home for Tuesdays at Our Home
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Inspire Me Tuesday
Suzy at Worthing Court for The Scoop
Carol at The Red Painted Cottage for Share Your Style Party
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home


  1. Oh wow, you have been cooking and decorating up a storm It all looks so pretty and so delicious. Love it all.

  2. Carol- I love "your space" and I say leave that tree up year round. lol You have done a great job decorating for Christmas. I will have to look at those crockpot candy treats.

    How wonderful that your neighborhood has all come together to create a real community and be part of each others lives. xo Diana

  3. Love how you decorated your craft room. So pretty! The coffee/tea bar looks wonderful. You are right, it is such a great idea. The food looks amazing. How nice you get to know your neighbors a little better. Merry Christmas to you and your husband dear friend! xoxo Maria

  4. I agree....the genius who thought-up beverage stations should be given a big prize! Yours is very cute....I even like your napkins!

    I must confess that I am so envious of your pretty craft room. I'm getting ready to pin half your photos when I finish this comment.

    Carol, it is beautiful!

    Ricki Jill

  5. What a lovely post...and I so enjoyed seeing your happy place...unfortunately mine is quite so neat with it being gift central right now....like the cork tree and just wonder how it was made, maybe you could post a close up of it later.
    Mama Bear

  6. I love all of your Christmas touches, Carol. There are so many things to look at and take in. That candy looks delicious, too...might have to check that out! Wishing you a Merry Christmas my friend and a fabulous 2018! xo

  7. Love your station very much. I think I'll help myself to a cup of coffee and definitely a treat!
    What a terrific idea to get together as neighbors like that. Your spread looks very yummy! That Xmas tree dip looks delicious and so pretty.
    Wishing you and your honey a very Merry Christmas Carol!

    Take care

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