
Just a tweak here & a tweak there.

I'm happy to be linking to:
Show & Tell Friday
Inspiration Friday
Tablescape Thursday

Just got back from my favorite big box store, with the turkey in tow, & a few extras goodies that were on sale.  Truly didn't need any more fall/Thanksgiving decor items, but I felt it was my good customer responsibility to help the store personnel make room for the Christmas items.  Am I correct here or what?  Besides, the things I got were so cheap, how could I resist?

Once all the groceries were put away, I just had to decide on places to put the new items.  Since it had been all of a week since I tweaked anything in the dining room, it seemed only fitting that was the place to go with my new goodies.

I thought these faux suede placemats ($1.50 each) would be nice as the first layer on the buffet.  I like the way they add a bit of a warm glow to the surrounding area.  The little basket with berries, pine cones, & leaves was another "on sale" item ($3).  I can always tear it apart & use the flora in some other way -- maybe next year.  The turkey is actually a candy dish that I've had for 30 years.  He's empty right now, but will soon have some treats for our granddaughters who are coming for Thanksgiving.

I just moved things around a bit on my china cabinet.  I don't think I ever showed you my Pilgrim couple, at least not up close.  I've had them for a couple of years.  Bought them at Big Lots, so they were cheap.  They are really quite nice & seem very well painted.  I've been watching for an Indian couple to add, but haven't found the same quality yet.  I used one of the faux suede placemats again as the base.  The little turkey matches the turkey candy dish.

The small metal turkey tealights, on either side of the Anniversary clock, are from Michael's 2 years ago after Thanksgiving.  I have the battery-type tealights in those -- fire hazard  & all that.

This is another battery-powered candle that I added some faux leaves & twine to just to add another dimension.  If you saw my post from my trip to GW, you might recognize the candle holder.  It looks really nice here, I think.

So that's probably going to be the last of the changes, except for the "Turkey Day" table, until I start the Christmas decorating.  I'm so excited to be having our daughter & family with us for Thanksgiving.  Thanks to all of you who have been stopping by.  I try always to respond to new followers, but, if I miss you, please know I truly appreciate you.  Please stop by again soon.


  1. That's a cool idea to affix the leaves to the candle with twine. I'm going to try that! Glad your daughter & family will be joining you for the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you all enjoy it! Happy Black Friday shopping, too, if you plan on getting out there into the fray!

  2. Alycia, thank you so much for stopping by and for your really nice comments. No, I won't be shopping on Black Friday. I will be decorating for Christmas!

  3. You have such cute stuff. Isn't tweaking stuff so fun? That's so exciting that you get to see your family at Thanksgiving!

  4. Everything looks so pretty!

    I just noticed that you live in Yuma. I used to live in Phoenix and would drive through Yuma on my way to California. I really miss the warm weather this time of year! I don't like winter in Kansas.

  5. It all looks so pretty. I just love this time of year.

  6. Love those placemats, and the decor looks great!

  7. Very nice! I have some of those placemats from Walmart in the leaf shape that I used as a centerpiece. I think they set it all off! I think they are half price now so I should go get more!

  8. Everything looks so inviting. I really like the wall behind your buffet, too. This may sound corny, but I want a turkey candy dish for whenever I have grandkids that I can fill up :).

  9. Everything looks so pretty and festive! I wish I could decorate for Thanksgiving but with decorating so many Christmas trees, there is just not enough time!
    Thanks so much for your visit!!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  10. Hi Cas! Your "tweaking" looks wonderful and so warm and inviting! Thanks so much for linking up to the party this week and I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving with your family! :-)

  11. Thanks for becoming a follower! I have returned the favor. I appreciate your comments on my table, and I'm glad to find your blog. It DOES sound as if we have a lot in common! You're ahead of me on the grandchildren count, though! I love that you're going to fill a candy dish (or two) for yours. My grandmother always did that for us, and I'm carrying on that tradition with my grandchildren. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Those placemats are wonderful! I wish that I knew in which big box store you found them. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Happy Thanksgiving! Cherry Kay

  13. Thanks for the reply. Heard an interesting tidbit about WMart. Do you remember when Target took a hugh leap in better designed products & merchandising some years ago? Well, evidently WM has hired him away & that's why WM's look is changing so drastically. Will see if those neat leaf placemats are still availlable. Happy Thanksgiving! Cherry Kay


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Make this a great day!