
On Dasher & Dancer & Christmas Decorator!

I'm happy to be linking to:
Metamorphosis Monday
Deck the Halls Friday
Seasonal Sundays
Dittle Dattle

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had a terrific day with our daughter and family visiting & celebrating with us from Scottsdale.  We talked, laughed, worked on a jigsaw puzzle, picked oranges, and ate tons of good food.  I even enlisted my 11 year old granddaughters, Riley and Taylor, to help make the rolls and mash potatoes.

Aren't they cute?

Now it's time to start the Christmas decorating.  First, all the Fall/Thanksgiving items have to be put away.  What a mess!

This is the beginning of my process.  I store all the Christmas decorations in boxes, labeled according to the rooms or areas of our home where they typically go.  I generally put the boxes in those rooms & unpack from there.  Well, as you can see, that idea was thrown out the window this year.  I just started digging through boxes & did a bit of sorting right on the floor & sofa of our sunroom.  I plan to make some major display changes this year, so it's actually easier to plan what I want to do.  Oh, who am I kidding?  This is just chaos!!!

Yes, it was all fun & games for our precious little "furball"!  Abby really wants to help, but she has no thumbs, so she's limited in what she can do.

 The first room in our home to be finished (always subject to change) is our living room.  The entry table (aka "Old Singer") is where I like to display my snowmen collection.   It got some more tweakin' this time around & the addition of a "Snow Couple."  I found them at Ross's.  I added the little tree decorated with spray snow, some lights & little glittery snowflakes (Target after "Christmas sale").  I'm putting our large tree in our dining room this year, so this snowman-scene tree is it for the living room.

This little toy truck is about 58 years old & was a present to The Man from his older brother when The Man was about 5.  I always use it somewhere in our home decor.

The new snow couple & my favorite -- the "Shopper" with her cute red tam, scarf & bag.

I don't know why I'm so drawn to snowmen, but I just find them so darn cute!

Well, here is my "bargain" Father Christmas.  Remember, I found him at GW for $3.99 & then reduced to $2.99 with my senior discount -- what a steal! 

This is a Spode hurricane which I received as a gift from a very dear friend.  I just love the colors in the scene.  I prefer using a battery-operated candle in this, just to be safe.  

The same sweet friend gave me this little cut-crystal dish.  Sometimes I put a votive or tealight in it, but decided this year to add the single faux poinsettia.  I have it sitting on a petty, little plate that I also found at GW.

That's a "wrap" for this time.  Have more decorating to do & will happily share as things get finished.  As always, thank you for stopping by & please come again soon.  Also, if you are a new follower & do not have a blog, I just want to say "thank you" for signing up.  I appreciate all of you very much.


  1. Oh my, that's what my living room looks like right now, a sea of boxes. Love your snowmen, they are all so pretty and your vignette is stunning. Using the truck is such a wonderful idea. Love your Father Santa. So pretty. Hugs, Marty

  2. You are so right...chaos! That is my house right now. I finally got all the fall decor down and in the basement. I was sorting Christmas down there and plan to box it back up according to 'location' or 'tree' and bring it up like that. So much work! However I love the decorations and wouldn't do it any other way. I also love snowmen, something about them! You have a great collection. Looking forward to more of your photos!

  3. Your snowman display is so fun and whimsical! I'm trying to keep things fun and whimsical in my holiday decorations too! I tend to get to "formal".

    Thank you for linking up to the first ever "Amaze Me Monday" blog party.

  4. Oh, the truck! What a touch of sentimentality and love of past. So enjoyed your pictures.

  5. Thank you, Pamela, for your nice comments & for being a new follower. I hope you'll come back often.

  6. I'm so sorry to be visiting so late, but life is just beyond busy these days.

    You look like you are all ready for Christmas. Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!