
A Sugar "High" & a Walk Down Memory Lane

Thanks to Vanessa at Southern in My Heart for hostessing a Cookie Exchange Party.  I've been trying to be an observer & less of a participator in all the blogs the last few days as part of my 12-step program for this blog-addiction I have.  But, then along came sweet Vanessa talking about what fun she and her sister have doing these recipe exchange parties, and how could I resist.  Seriously, could anyone resist that sweet girl?  So anyway, my recipe contribution is one of just a few goodies I will be making for our family get-together.  

Before I give the recipe, you have to take a walk down "memory lane" -- oh, who am I kidding?  In most cases, that would be a walk down your Momma's "Memory Lane."  I forget how young most of you are & how I'm not!  This is a peak at my favorite "goodie" cookbooks.  I have many more that I use some, but these are the ones that have buttered corners & flour between the pages.

This is my oldest, about 35 years, & still my favorite.  This is also the one that has the recipe that I will be sharing.

 I love that it has pictures of each cookie & where it's located.

And this is the recipe, Lemon Squares.  They are very easy & super sweet.  I'll be making them using lemons off our own tree.  And, no you don't have to try to read the recipe from here; I'll type it out for you.

                                              Lemon Squares 
1 cup all-purpose flour                
1/2 cup butter                              
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar     
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2 or 3 Tbsp. lemon juice

Heat oven to 350*.  Measure flour and blend with butter & confectioners' sugar thoroughly.  Press evenly into square pan, 8x8x2, building up 1/2" edge.  Bake 20 minutes.  Beat rest of ingredients together.  Pour over crust and bake about 25 minutes more or just until no imprint remains when lightly touched in center.  Cut into squares when cooled.

FYI:  I usually double this recipe and bake it in a 9x13 pan.

Thanks for letting me add in the extras.  I'm full of reminiscing this year and the thoughts come unexpectedly some times.  Hope you enjoyed your stroll down "Memory Lane" and y'all come back real soon.  I'm also linking to Funky Junks Favorite Christmas Recipe.


  1. Oh Cas! You are so sweet! I just now saw this post because we had church this morning and my hubby was hogging the computer doing school work all afternoon. :-) I just loved seeing your cookbooks and lemon squares are so delicious. Actually, they are one of my hubby's most favorite desserts ever! I think their tart flavor really helps offset some of the more rich treats we see this time of year.
    Thank you so much for sharing this at the Cookie Exchange and for being such a lovely bloggy friend!

  2. Hi Cas, those lemon squares are one of my favs, too. I used to wish I could have a bakery and specialize in cookies! Yum! Linda

  3. That was my favorite cookie book as a kid.

  4. I love cookbooks! I don't use them much, but I love looking through them.


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