
More Awards! Are you sure?

 Wow, I am blown away that I would receive this award again so soon and another one to boot!  Many thanks to Karen, SueAnn & Steph at A Lil Bird Told Me for choosing my blog.

Rules for accepting this award are:
1. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to 7 other stylishly and trendy bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.

So here are 7 things about me that, hopefully, I didn't write last time:
  1.  I would love to believe that all people are basically good, but know in my heart that is not true.  It makes me sad.
  2.  Chicken 'n Dumplins is my favorite comfort food.  Well, also Lemon Meringue Pie.
  3.  I have a fetish for scarves & costume jewelry.  I like the real stuff, too; but love the things I can wear casually and not worry about.
  4.  I haven't had to set an alarm clock in over five years -- I wake up every morning around 4 a.m. or earlier.  Can't explain it, it just happens.
  5.  One of my most favorite things is the smell and feel of a baby's little head.
  6.  I love a good Western movie.  I know, far & few between; but "True Grit" was excellent.
  7.  I think I'm addicted to blogging.  Oh, okay, I know I'm addicted to blogging.  It's way too much fun! 

7 Stylish and Trendy Bloggers (YOU get both awards!!!)
  1.   A Stroll thru Life
  2.   Between Naps on the Porch
  3.   Happier Than a Pig in Mud
  4.   Nellie's Cozy Place
  5.   Southern in My Heart
  6.   Adventures in Decorating
  7.   The Traci Chronicles
I have to tell you, picking and choosing a few out of so, so many wonderful blogs is really hard.  Last time I chose only blogs that were very new to me.  This time, I've opted for the bloggers who consistently visit me and many others, and always make truly sweet, sincere, and/or cute and funny comments.  Please take the time to visit these ladies if you don't already.  They'll invite you in for a snack, I know they will.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  We have gotten a call from our son that the new babe may be getting ready to make an appearance, so our bags are waiting by the door. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Cas, you are too sweet. I thank you, but I made my blog award free because these are just too hard to pass on. Thanks so much for thinking of me!

  2. Hi Cas,
    What a precious and sweet shock, you are such a sweetie!
    Thank you so much, it was such a nice surprise,
    and almost made me cry.
    Will sure be praying for that new grandbaby as you all wait for his or her arrival.
    Thanks again so very much for thinking of me,
    it truly was a blessing to me, and I will surely
    pass it on. Now comes the hard part!! lol
    Blessings my friend, and have a safe trip.

  3. Hi Cas,
    You are a doll...Congrats on winning these lovely awards! And thanks so much for sharing them! Have a wonderful weekend! ♥

  4. Thanks for the shout out Cas! How exciting to be waiting for the phone to ring any minute, wishing you and your family all the best:@)

  5. Hi Again Cas,
    I was so excited I forgot to Congratulate you on getting the awards as well!! If you didn't have them then we wouldn't either!!
    Looking forward to hearing about the new grandbaby.
    Blessings hon, Nellie

  6. Oh what an honor, I thank you so much. Loved reading the 7 things about you. I'm a scarf gal too, and yes I like jewelry also. Too fun. I really appreciate the honor. Very sweet and gracius. Hugs, Marty

  7. Awww, thanks Cas! That's so sweet! Congrats to you as well. I love learning new things about everyone!

  8. Congratulations on the awards. I can't remember the last time I used an alarm clock. I've always wished I could sleep in, but haven't done it since before I had babies (and that was a lot of years ago). laurie

  9. 4am? Dang girl. That is early. What do you do at that time and what time do you get to bed?

  10. So sweet! Thanks so much for passing this on to me! I'm never quite sure what to say but I do so appreciate your thoughtfulness. :-) I kinda have a different plan for it because there were a couple of others that came my way recently (I promise I'm not trying to sound boastful). Stay tuned!


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!