
It's insane, I tell you, INSANE!

I'll be linking to:
Kim's Boring to Better Party
Tablescape Thursday
Vanessa's Inspiration Party #19
Alison's Anything Goes
Thrifty Thursday
Cheryl's I'm Lovin' It /Fridays 

Let the insanity begin!  Yes, that's what it feels like.  We are interviewing realtors this week and plan to have our house on the market by week's end.  We had our first interview late yesterday, and it went very well.  She was quite impressed, but we are kind of over-built for our neighborhood.  I busted my butt yesterday trying for pristine, comfortable & inviting all at the same time.  Hopefully, I accomplished that and thought I would share some things I've done.  Oh, by-the-way, nothing new was purchased for any of the following vignettes.  Just shopped my decor closet, woohoo!

I'm really trying to keep tablescapes more simplistic, but still charming.  These are more from our living room.


I use this votive holder all the time, but always some place different.  Had the green & red berry vine that doesn't look Christmasy and it added just enough texture around the base.  I changed out my pillow covers, too, but no before shot.

This is a vignette I used early last fall or late summer.  I don't think it's boring, but I needed something for my "before" photo since I forgot to take a pic of the sewing machine in all its bareness

After or current

I did keep The Man's little truck from when he was about five, and tucked my burlap wreath in behind it.  Kept the top of the old singer very simple.  I really like the pop of color with the flowers against the coppery brown of the container & the little bird.  Both are old purchases from JoAnne's.  The lamp was from Kirklands months ago.

Again, not boring, just a change from this,

to this.  You may have seen this wallhanging before, but not with this viney, twiggy thingy.  Don't you just love blogging for the simple pleasure of making up words and phrases?

Now on to some new ideas in the kitchen.  New garden window display.  I have since repotted the poinsettia into a pretty red pot that I already had, but forgot to take a picture.  How do you like little Miss Chicky?  The Man bought her for me and I think she is so darn cute.  The plate and the other chicken are things I've had for a while.  Added some faux fruit to one of my apothecary jars just to add in some more color.  Did I need more color?  No, but wanted it anyway!

....and in the blink of an eye, Miss Chicky has found a new perch!  Rearranged a few things in this corner of my kitchen & found a better spot for her.  This corner of the counter is very deep, so I put this large tray on an angle across the corner & put the canisters in front.  Much easier for this "shortie" to reach!

She is so cute all lit up.  I told you the other day that I'm kind of into small lamps and little spots of light.  Miss Chicky really fills the bill.

This little lamp has been in several different places around my kitchen.  The red covered container was originally filled with a candle, but long since used up.  Now it holds some hard candies.  The colorful plate is from Pier 1 on sale for a couple of bucks.

I should replace this photo with the new one I got at Christmas, but just haven't done that yet.  This one is still one of my favs.

I really like having touches of red throughout our home this time of year.  It's kind of a simple nod to Valentines, but mainly just a way to add one of my favorite colors.  Hope you enjoyed this little tour.  Please come back and visit again real soon.


  1. All of your vignettes are gorgeous. Good luck on selling your house. They are so hard to sell here, I hope things are better there. Hugs, Marty

  2. Lovely arrangements Cas, always get new ideas from you and a few of my other favorite bloggers who decorate, you have a welcoming home and hopefully someone else will recognize that and BUY!
    Good Luck....

  3. Good luck with your sale! Everything looks lovely.

  4. Cas, everything looks pretty and ready for people to come look and see if this is where they want to live. I hope it sells quickly for you and you know you have to keep it clean and ready all the time now. Thanks for joining the party.

  5. What wonderful vignettes you have there! I loved seeing every single thing. You've done a great job with them!

    If you get a chance, I would love for you to join me at my blog for a china drawing. The winner is going to receive something in a favoite pattern. Hope you join in the fun.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday...


    Sheila :-)

  6. Oooh Cas, you know I am loving those roosters. If they don't have a place in your new home, you just send them here to live and I will take great care of them :) Everything looks fantastic! I have an award for you over at my place if you could stop by.

  7. Everything looks very nice and I am a huge rooster fan! I only have a few but love the colors!! Nice and refreshing change after Christmas!

  8. You have really decorated everything so well. It should show very nicely. Loved the idea of the tray for the deep recess. I have to try that.

  9. It all looks great, but the kitchen counter corner is my favorite. That looks wonderful!

  10. Really cute, I have some of the same things as you do....also I live close to you in LaQuinta, CA and my hubby's sisters live in Yuma so we have been there several times...lucky you!

  11. What a beautiful kitchen you have! I love the colors. I also had a bird like the one on your sewing table. I was so excited to find it at Tuesday Morning and as I walked out to the car, the bag slipped and the bird broke!!! It was the last one. so sad....

  12. Everything look open house ready -- I hope someone comes aong and just snaps it up!

  13. I think that buyers will be enchanted. Hope that your sale goes smoothly. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  14. I didn't realize you were selling your house! What are your plans for after you sell? I think it all looks just lovely and any potential buyer will agree! Thanks so much for sharing it all at the Inspiration Friday party!

  15. Everything looks great! Lots of luck selling!

  16. Caz,
    Good luck with your house! I really love your paint colors. Your vignettes are simple, yet beautiful. Thanks so much for stopping by my kitchen. Have a great evening.

  17. Your home is lovely (and I love all the touches of red as it's my favorite color too) I adore the rooster...ambient lighting of the creative kind.

    Thanks for linking up to Fridays Unfolded last week and I hope you'll join us again.




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Make this a great day!