
Listening to My Heart

Hey, everyone.  My day began with something that I really did not want to do, but felt compelled.  I thought of so many reasons not to do it, but the pull was too strong.  I attended a Memorial service for the 60 year old son of a very dear friend of mine.  I barely knew the man & his wife, just met casually a couple of times, but felt I needed to be there for my friend.  Carl was a retired Marine and had continued to work for the Corps in some other capacity since his discharge.  The mortuary where the service was held is not a large one, but it was filled.  There were many more men than women in attendance, and it was so very obvious they had had a very deep bond of friendship with my friend's son.  Several got up and spoke a few words, but with great emotional difficulty in doing so.  I sat quietly and listened to the openly soft sobbing from these men who had served as a band of brothers in Vietnam and then went on to form lasting friendships.  It was very touching to watch as they consoled each other with soft pats on the back or gentle hugs.  The emotions ran ever higher as the Honor Guard presented his wife with the folded American flag, followed by a 21 gun salute & Taps.  Everyone was consoling everyone else at this point -- friend, stranger, it didn't matter.  As I made my way through the line of family members, my eyes met those of my sweet friend, and I knew why I had felt so compelled to come.  She was so glad to see me, and I just held her as she softly cried.  As parents, we never expect that we will outlive our children.  It hurts our hearts when God has a different plan.

I'll remember this experience the next time I don't want to do something, but feel that compelling pull to do it anyway.  You just have to listen to your heart at those times.


  1. God Bless You,Honey,for doing the right thing. <3

  2. God Bless You. That one act of kindness will be remembered by your friend always.

  3. CAS, I loved reading about the memorial service. Reminded me to "listen to my heart".
    Thank you for following my blog and I'm right back at you! I'm looking forward to reading yours.
    I think it is worth trying the George Forman. I think my granddaughter did that. The panini grill has a very heavy top part so it does press the sandwich well. It is very easy to clean.
    Now I'm going to organize my closet tomorrow! Please don't write too many posts like that...I don't have time!
    A pleasure to meet you!

  4. Boy Cas,
    You are so right! If you ever need a friend it surely would be at a time like that!! glad you were obedient to that inner tugging, your a wise
    woman. and I am sure your friend will forever remember that! It is a good reminder to all of us, because we can get so caught up in our own lives and what we are doing and like you say just not feel like it, and we sometimes have to beat ourselves into submission!! lol
    Thanks for sharing hon, No baby yet???
    Blessings for grandbaby soon.

  5. The older I get, the more I realize how important just one's presence is at times of crisis. You don't have to say anything or even take anything, but going to the home or the service is so appreciated!


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Make this a great day!