
Oh no, not under the kitchen sink!

Okay, let's face it.  The area under the kitchen sink (or any sink for that matter) is not pretty.  You can clean it up and make it tidy and organized, but it just isn't going to be pretty.  The best you can hope for is clean enough so that nothing unsightly wants to grow or hide under there.  Today's Challenge 5 from A Bowl Full of Lemons is to organize and clean under the kitchen sink.

The area under my sink is pretty overwhelmed with a large disposal & an RO water system.  This water system is only for drinking water (special spigot at the sink) & the ice maker.  I can't allow too much to collect under there because it might interfere with that system.  Well, that's what The Man told me, anyway;  but maybe he was joshin' me so that I would keep it clean.  Hmmm?  Anyhoo, here is the before shot.

All cleaned out and put new paper down.

I already had the clip and hook for gloves and brushes.  Also had the little basket that holds Comet, baking soda (better for Corian than Comet), white vinegar (good in dishwasher to cut down calcium buildup), Glass Magic (Yuma water is awful & full of yucky stuff) to add to the dishwasher, & the kitchen garbage bags.

On this side are my Clorox Cleanups & dishwasher soap.  Handy-dandy plastic bag holder on the door.

There you have it.  There is one definite advantage to having all that equipment under the sink.  It really does prevent too much accumulation of junk.  Thanks for visiting under the sink.  Hope y'all had so much fun that you will come back soon.


  1. Looks great. I have a little basket also, and then with the trash can, there's not room for anything else. Yours looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  2. Very tidy! I have the same bag organizer and was just pondering mounting it somewhere. Might have to ask the hubs if it's okay to drill into the cabinets...

  3. doesn't it always feel so good to give a cupboard a good sprucing!

  4. I'm glad this challenge thing is working for you! It's causing my to do list to grow & grow! Everytime I see something you're doing I realize that I need to do it too. Lovely. I have a huge area under my kitchen sink (I have a corner sink) & I know there's a way to make it a great organized space. I just haven't figured it out yet.

  5. Nice job cleaning up under the sink. It looks great and probably makes you feel so much better when you look under there. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Looks GREAT! I love how a little project can just lift you spirits so much. Happy New Year!


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