
I Found a Cloche!

For those who have followed my blog for awhile, ya'll know I've kind of "whined" about not having any cloches & not ever finding any in the stores around here.  Well, make that not finding any affordable ones! I pretended by using jars that had lids & everyone said that was perfectly fine.  Still, I was 
"cloche-less," that is until today!  I found this little beauty at our Humane Society Thrift Store;  a place I had never gone before.  I know it's for holding & serving cheese, but IT'S A CLOCHE, plain & simple! Would you believe this little gem was only $5?  I snatched this little puppy up so fast, I almost lost my balance.  Truly!

The marble base doesn't have a single scratch, so the previous owner probably never used it for cutting & serving cheeses.  Lucky me!

Okay, what to do with my new treasure?  Well, I needed an excuse to tweak a little bit.  I pulled my cute little rooster lamp & the rooster plate from other places in the kitchen & grouped them with my new cloche.

I'm sure I will be changing this often, but for now, I really like the lemons & limes.  I'm so happy to no longer be "cloche-less."

I love all the reflections from the lamp.  Wow, my counter top looks really good!

I did one other little tweak.  Well, it's truly so minor I doubt it even counts as a tweak, but a tweak we shall call it.  I jumped on the band-wagon during the holidays & made several of these "vase + candle stick = hurricane candle holder" creations & decided it was time to reintroduce a couple of them into my decor.  I just added them on either side of my big wooden dough bowl filled with potpourri.

Added some green gravel in the bottom and tied on some jute string.  I'm using some battery-operated candles that turn on & off with a small remote.  They came in a multi-size pack from Costco during the holidays.  You will never guess who spotted these in the store & insisted we get them.  Yes, The Man!  Did I mention they are operated with a remote?  Aah, now you understand.

That about does it for now.  I'm trying to only make small changes in my home decor since it's pretty much "show-ready" as it is.  I could just see getting into the middle of one of my room re-dos, and that would be when the realtor would call and want to show it.  For those who have asked, we have had several lookers & have had one Open House, so keep good thoughts for us.  We really want to get closer to those grandkids sooner rather than later!  Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you will come again soon.

Oh, I just discovered I was featured on  Fridays Unfolded at Stuff and Nonsense  for the little goodie bags I made for my kiddoes for Valentine's Day.  They were a big hit, by-the-way!  Thank you, Alison, for the "feature."  Your blog is awesome.
I'm happy to be linking to:
Wow Us Wednesday


  1. So glad you found one! Love your rooster lamp...adorable!

  2. Your cloche are very cute! Your candle holders are very pretty, so is your table runner.
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. I remember when I found my first one...it was love at first site! Enjoy.

  4. Morning Cass,
    Your kitchen vignette looks wonderful with your new cloche. I have one very similiar that I just recently realized could be classified as a cloche. lol Mine has the same dome but a wooden bottom and is of course,
    a cheese server too! I have dried and shellaced rolls in mine, but I love the look of the lemons and limes. Very Pretty.
    Also like the candlesticks you made, and that is too funny that the candles come with a remote,
    what guy would not love that!!

    Glad to see you are getting some traffic on your home, will pray a buyer comes along soon.
    Blessings hon, Nellie

  5. Very pretty! I love the marble base. Good luck on getting an offer on the house.

  6. Once upon a few months ago I had no idea what a cloche WAS until I saw it all over blog land! Of course, I had to have one too, I saw this b/c I was about to post about the cloche I made (give me a few hours). Your's looks great on your counter!

  7. Lovin' your new cloche, the marble is pretty! I know you'll have lots of fun with it:@)

  8. I agree, great find! Love the Rooster! =) I am also a new follower. Have a great weekend! XOXO ~Liz

  9. Haha! I love how you say you were "cloche-less" I unfortunately am sill clouche-less. I can't find one either that isn't more than I want to spend. Congrats to you for such a great find! I think it looks lovely.

    Thank you for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence!

    Heather @At The Picket Fence

  10. So pretty! Love that rooster lamp and the ambient glow it gives off.

  11. Congratulations on your new cloche. I'd love one too as they seem to be such a neat way to showcase little treasures. I hardly ever see them at estate sales but I keep my eyes open. And best wishes on the sale of your home. It's a stressful time, I know. I'm finally in a house I intend to stay in for a long time. Ahhh, finally! Good luck!

  12. Great find! I'm always on the lookout for one. Your new granddaughter is SO precious! Thanks for visiting and leaving sweet comments!

  13. Your vignette on your countertop looks so pretty. Congratulations on such a great buy on that cloche (and yes, I use cheese domes as cloches, but mine don't have pretty marble bases.) your hurricane vases look great. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. Good luck on the house sale. laurie

  14. Love it! Everything looks beautiful - now if I could just keep my toddlers from using the table as a dance floor, I could pull it off too! ;)

  15. Oh lucky you! I love it! I have been "secretly" whinning about not finding one myself. Okay I found one at the thrift store but it had globbs of glue all over the top. It's still sitting there... I just don't see me getting that yucky goop off or it would be mine.

    PS I adore your lighted rooster!

  16. yay for you! i had been wanting one also, and found one last week at my favorite thrift store for only $2.97! can't wait to find some more!!

  17. I love your roosters! And the cloche is awesome too!

  18. Love your cloche idea! And to think I just took one to the Reuzit a few weeks ago :( after feverishly purging my cupboards :)

  19. Nice little cloche! And you're right, it's in perfect shape.

  20. Love your cloche and just in time since we will have a Spring Cloche party soon. Gorgeous vignettes. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  21. I love cloches also. I'm your newes follower. http://moogieland.blogspot.com/

  22. I love your style. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. I will be following your blog. I never knew the name for the glass top, I always wanted one too, and recently got mine as a bonus gift from a Princess House party I hosted.


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