
Hippity-Hoppity, Easter's on its way!

Okay ya'll, I tried as hard as I could, but I just had to do a bit of Easter decorating.  Of course, along the way, I "tweaked" a few other things as well.  I'll try not to be too wordy (I know I tend to do that) this time because there are quite a few pics.

This little bunny planter has been hopping in & out of Spring/Easter decor around here for many, many years.  It's just a heavy-duty paper mache-type material, & it came from Big Lots.  He really seemed too pristine white for my shabbier taste now, so...... 

I took some of this from my scrapbooking supplies & added just a bit to take the edge off the white.

You really can't tell in this picture, but it did change him a bit.  I just had these pompom-type stems & thought they would look better than daffs or tulips since he will be residing........

under the old Singer.  You can't see him very well in this pic, but he really is quite comfy & isn't even slightly deterred when Abby comes by to sniff.

I was coupon & sale shopping at Michael's & discovered they had all their Shabby Chic decor items on sale.  I couldn't pass up this cute birdcage, but it needed accessories.....

like a nest.  I've been seeing the moss birds' nests all over blogland & decided to give it a try.  I went out to the backyard & cut a few dried stems/flowers here & there & glued them into the moss.  Kind of messy, but I love the look & the price since I already had everything for this.

Of course, what nest would be complete without a little birdie & her eggs.  I bought the bird ($1.98) & used a coupon.  Another day, I had purchased a couple of stems with various sizes of eggs, also $1.98 & used a coupon for that as well--all from Michael's.  Clipped off a few eggs & still
 have more for another project.

Saweet, huh?  I carried the birdcage from room to room until I decided it should go.....

here on my china cabinet.  I added a couple of ribbons tied together to drape down from the top.

I created a small cloche with an empty candle jar, a cute lid from an apothecary jar, some green styro beads & a battery-operated candle--all of which I already had.

Is this not the cutest bunny?  I found him at GW for $1.99 with not a single chip or scratch.  Just added some ivy that I already had.

Just another quick peek at the finished look.  Love it & it's adorable at night!

Well, because I already had the messy moss stuff out, I decided to do another nest, and I really wanted a different Easter look here on my white buffet rather than what I had before.  If you don't remember, that's okay, it was rather forgettable.

This time I made a small nest & added a few faux flowers & some more of my little eggs.  I bought 2 of these little birds at the $Store for, you guessed it, a $!  I thought it looked cute perched on this glass candlestick that I found at GW last fall some time.

I've had this little china bunny couple for years, also purchased from Big Lots.  I think they are so cute.

The tall candle is another batter-operated one that I added some ribbon just to add a pop of color.
This, too, looks really sweet at night with the candle lit.

I finally decided it was time to change out the red tablerunner to this more springy, lighter colored one.  Bought this along with a couple of others at Pier 1 several months ago -- on sale for less than $10 each.

Well, I did a few other tweaks here and there, but this has gotten rather long as usual, so I guess I'll save the other things for another time.  Thanks for stopping by & please come again soon.

I'm happily linking to:

Saavy Southern Style-Wow Us Wednesday
Hoo's Got Talent Wednesday-Night Owl Crafting
Whatever Goes Wednesday-Someday Crafts
Whassup Wednesday-Elements Interiors
Tablescape Thursday-BNOTP
At The Picket Fence-Inspiration Friday
Fridays Unfolded-Stuff and Nonsense

Seasonal Sundays-The Tablescaper
Your So Very Creative-Me Making Do 
Making the World Cuter Monday-Making the World Cuter 
Masterpiece Monday-Boogieboard Cottage
Dittle Dattle-Amaze Me Monday
All Things Heart & Home-All Things Inspired
The Curly Willow DIY-Fresh & Frugal
Funky Junk Interiors-Saturday Night Special


  1. I love all of the bunnies and tweaking you have done. Everything looks great as usual.

  2. I love your bunny planters and that cage is too cute. Thanks for joining WUw.

  3. The birds nest in the cage is so cute! Great job!

  4. Your home is getting all decked out for Easter. I love it!

  5. Hi Cass,
    Like all your Easter pretties.
    Everything looks so nice!
    Clever idea using the candle jar as a cloche with the battery operated candle. Like that, might just have to use it if you don't mind girly??

    I haven't started my spring decorating yet and want to but we are having hubbies family birthday celebration this weekend, so decided to just wait till next week, which is good cause it got a lil cool again, but I have to say
    I am ready to get rid of this red!! lol
    Hope you are doing well hon,
    any bites on your house yet??
    You take good care,
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Your birdcage is very cute, and I love the bunny with the ivy. I never though about making my own nest out of stuff from the yard-I bet I could.

  7. love that birdcage! i'm seeing a michael's trip in my near future!!

  8. Hi Cas!!~ you found the cutest Spring decor. I have to hit up Michael's myself, been a while. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. HI CAS.... I'm loving all your Easter decorations, so cute and well placed. Not to mention everything else you're surrounded with. It really is an oasis!

    Guess what. You are the 365th follower on my blog Sandwich 365!

    Congratulations! Ding, ding ding! Whooo hoooo!!!! But don't get too excited, I don't have a prize for that. Wish I did. What I would love to do is a post regarding your blog. So, if you have anything in your blogs history related to a sandwich, let me know. that would be cool. If not, don't worry about it. Thanks for your comments and patience too. I'm trying to do a redesign and it's a mess. More later, Keri


  10. Beautiful, Cas. I am always amazed at the talented ladies of blogland who decorate and you are my #1. I get so many ideas from you. If I ever win the lottery I will hire you to come decorate my new manse!!! All expenses paid to get you here and you name your price! Sound fair???

  11. So many wonderful things to look and get in the spring like mood! See your bunny makeover, I think I need to go back to the store and get that bunny that I passed over for being too stark white. thanks for inspiring :D

  12. Hi! I just started adding our Easter decor at my house too although the bunnies keep disappearing into my daughter's room somehow...do you think they hop there? :-) I love the GW one you found especially because he looks so real. Thanks so much for sharing all of your lovely vignettes at Inspiration Friday this week!

  13. SO adorable! The brown bunny planter is my fav. and everything is so beautiful, inspired, I can't wait to start decorating for spring!!

  14. What great goodies! Isn't springtime decorating just so much fun?! Once our St. Pat's dinner is behind us, out come the bunnies!

  15. Precious! I'm thinking that all you'll need to add are the chocolate bunnies and decorated eggs. So well done! Thank you for sharing your darling vignettes. Cherry Kay

  16. such cute easter decor...i especially like the nest and birdcage...well done...thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded!


    stuff and nonsense

  17. Love the Easter decor. You have done such a great job! Love Love Love the little bunny planter...darling!

  18. Love your Easter decor!! I'm getting Spring fever just looking at it all!

  19. I love your sewing machine table! I keep wanting one of those and yours is fabulous!

  20. Shabby chic is one of my favs-to answer your question about drywall-the rub on I used was simply rubbed onto a lumpity bumpity old wall of mine-not smooth in the least-those things are amazing because they make me look like an artiste!!Thanks for your comments!

  21. I love the nests you made, CAS! That bunny was a great GW find, especially with no chips. I've found stuff myself and am so surprised nothing is cracked or chipped. I have got to get some birds though to add to my nests!

  22. You're so creative, the decor looks stunning especially that cage with the birds nest...

  23. Love all your spring decor! I purchased the same bird cages from Michael's & have used them on one of my tables. Aren't they so much fun?


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Make this a great day!