
Revisiting An Older Post & Moving Forward

Hey everyone & happy Wednesday.  Hope your day is going great!  I was up at my usual "o'dark-30" morning time, just doing some blog hopping & catching up on parties, when I discovered a cute party going on at Delightful Order and wanted to share my  "My Play Room" post from many months ago.  If you have a craft or sewing room & are looking for some clever & fresh ideas, go check this out.

Well, I shared a couple of days ago that I was going to move forward on some projects that I had put "on hold" because our house is for sale.  I made my list & have started working.  Thought I'd share a couple of pics of what I'm going to be working on.

This is how I sort & store my fabric projects.  These are lidded drawers that snap close so nothing falls out if I want to move it from one location to another.  Most of you know me by now--each drawer is labeled with whatever project is inside.  There are 7-drawers altogether (got them at Target) & the unit is on wheels.  I have another one of these that holds my scrapbooking projects & there is a drawer for each grandchild & one for all the rest of us--I have my priorities straight, huh?  LOL!!!

This is a quilt for one of the grand twins.  All the pieces are cut & labeled, & any leftover fabric is in a zip bag in case I mess something up or maybe I'll want to make a teddy bear to go along with the quilt.

This is the quilt for the other twin.  I kind of work on these simultaneously.  You can see I've already started the piecing process, but at the end of the day, I just lay everything back inside these drawers.  That way it's easier to keep thing tidy & not lose any pieces.

This will be the next project which is a summer skirt for me.  Isn't this fabric a beautiful color?  It's a gauze material so it will be so comfy for hot weather.  It's already cut out, & the thread & elastic are under the fabric.

The next project on my priority list is a Christmas tablerunner, probably for me.  I made several of these last year for other people & decided I'd like to have one.  I am making it with the intention of using it in the new house.  I always put filled bobbins & spools of thread in each of these drawers so I don't have to dig around for the right color thread.

So, aren't you glad you stopped by?  Well, I'm very glad you did and hope you pop in again very soon.

I'm happy to be linking to:


  1. Such great organisation! Puts my sewing area to shame x

  2. Crafting is so much fun, I'm a bit of an organised person myself. But I can get in a mess when I'm having fun.
    I just wanted to say that I LOVE your top banner photos - I went "oooh oooh oooh" like a chimp and got a bit excited there for a minute.

  3. I desperately need to organize my craft and art supplies!!!

  4. That looks like a great way to organize your projects. I think it gives a "boundary" so that you don't start more projects without finishing what is in the drawers.
    Love the look of your blog! I'm going to check it out.
    Thanks for linking up to my Organizing Mission link party!

  5. Wow... this is so organized! Mine is such a mess. Thanks for visiting my blog and for following! Following you too :)

  6. I am glad I stopped by. You are so wonderfully organized. Love the fabric for your skirt - and the pattern is nice, too.

  7. You're so organized!! Slowly but surely I'm getting there. Although, I think it's going to be more slowly now that it's almost pool weather!!

  8. I love that idea for organizing your projects. Some day I hope to learn to quilt! Thanks for stopping by Create Order. I'm a new follower of yours!

  9. Hi Cas! thank you so much for dropping by my blog and following! I am you newest follower! Girl, you have got your fabric so nicely organized! I Soooooo need to do this!!
    I hope you will join me on Fridays for my new linky party "Thrifty Things Friday". Anything thrifty is welcome to join!
    Have a great weekend!

  10. I just wanted to stop by to say Hi & also thanks for commenting on my blog & being a follower. I've been running across alot of southern girls on here lately. I love your blog, you do such beautiful things. I love the jar with the faux fruit. I have a passion for decorating but at the moment my home is on the small side but my Husband & I are looking into buying a bigger home for our growing family. Your blog has really inspired me to decorate for all seasons. Keep up the good work on your projects & blog. :)

  11. You're probably too organized for us to be friends ;) You made me want to go organize! Thanks for linking to Fabric Tuesday :)


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!