
.............And So it Begins!

Hey everyone!   Hope you're having a great Friday & that you aren't the brunt of too many "April Fool's" jokes today!  I don't usually play that game, but I used to when our kiddoes were, well, little kiddoes.  They thought that was really fun.  The Man may or may not even remember what day it is, but I'm always a little bit ready for any jokes he might have up his sleeve.  We'll see how the day goes.

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a photo of the new house we are buying & that I would be taking (or dragging) ya'll on this journey with me.  I thought today would be a good day to start some of that.  We should be closing on the new house at the end of April, so I am getting really excited & a bit anxious about all that has to be done.  Over the last few weeks, I've been getting estimates on moving & that's been a real shocker.  I'll share some of that in a bit.

First, let me show you where we are right now & where we are moving.  Yuma is point A on the map & Gilbert (our new home) is point B.  Gilbert is a suburb of Phoenix.  Between Pt. A & B is about 200 miles or approximately 3 hours driving time.  Yes, if you are wondering, Yuma is super-close to both the Mexico & California borders.  Super-close!

I have gotten four estimates on moving.  I had them figure for two ways -- we pack or they pack.  I won't even tell ya' what it would be if they pack!  The estimated poundage for our "less than 1700 sq. ft. home" has varied from 10,000lbs. to 16,000lbs.  Seems like a BIG difference to me.  Charges have ranged from, get ready, $1000 to almost $6000!  Can you believe that?  The real kicker is that the lowest estimate is from a Gilbert mover who will drive to Yuma, pick up & drive back!  Now, if you are thinking that maybe this Gilbert Co. is so much less because they aren't reputable, I questioned that myself.  I checked them out with the BBB & they had an "A" rating with no complaints.  They've also been in business for over 20 years, & they are family-owned.  I intend to check out references, but they are looking pretty good to me. 


So today, after The Man gets home from work, we are off to pick up a few of these.......


.....and some of this.  Well, actually, I'm getting a few rolls of unprinted newsprint from our local newspaper.  I've been told this is the best paper to use, because then I won't have to wash everything when I unpack it.  Yay for me!

This is where I plan to start the packing process.  This is my sunroom decor closet, so lots of glass & small items.  I plan to use boxes that, once packed, The Man can slide them back on the shelves.  I have this aversion to having moving boxes stacked here and there in a home that's for sale.  That being said, I am willing to have some stacked in the garage, however.

I'm really anxious to get this process started, but will probably wait until next week to actually begin since we have another Open House scheduled for Sunday.  Last week's Open House was cancelled due to our realtor having a family emergency.  So, once again, I'm off to do some "spiffin 'n polishin" but The Man is helping with some of that tomorrow.

In all this "hubub & chaos" that IS my life right now, I realized I reached 200 followers last night!  Actually, my 200th follower shared that with me in an email.  
She is Martina at Northern Nesting, & you should definitely check out her nice blog.
All I can do right now is say "THANK YOU" to all of you who follow my blog.  It still amazes me that so many of you are interested in what I have to share.  I am truly flattered & hope I can do something nice, in the way of a give-away, in the future.  I count so many of you as really good friends, & if even a few of you feel that way about me, then I am very lucky!

I am happy to link up to these wonderful parties:


  1. I never had any idea how much movers cost. That's a lot! When we moved it was just a few miles away so we got a Pod & loaded up trucks & trailers. Very nice to save that money. Good luck with the Open House!

  2. Oh goodness, good luck with the packing and move! I absolutely hate packing and moving! It's sooooo much work, and not fun work in my opinion. This last time I had a 4 month old and a 16 month old, and it was killer!

    I don't envy you, friend! lol!


  3. So excited for you..can't wait to see the process unwind. Have fun!

  4. Oh my, I would come move you for the $6000. lol. I don't doubt the prices, with the cost of fuel and all. Some how or another I have missed the new place post. I am about to go snooping and see if I can find it. Be back later.

  5. Moving is not fun. Its so much easier when others do it for you. I really hope you find a good company. I do not wish you any more stress than necessary. Good Luck my new blogger friend! and.. HOW EXCITiNG!! you are getting a new house! ;) EEKKK

  6. Looking, then buying is a fun adventure. Moving? not so much.

  7. Having moved alot (and never packed ourselves!) I know how much movers cost. Fortunately, it was always paid for by someone else so I don't envy you one bit!!!!!

    I pray that y'all have a smooth move and this new season of life is filled with blessings!

  8. Thanks for following my little blog and your nice comment! I am now your 201 follower and proud to wear the title! Having lived in the same house for 38 years, I cannot recall how is it is to move, but I do know we moved to Texas from Arkansas via Mayflower and it was expensive even back then. They charged us by the box to pack and when we arrived, I was shocked to find a single stuffed animal from my daughter's room packed individually in a single box! She must have had 25 stuffed bears at least and they were all in single boxes.....(as if they would break)....the only one that "broke" was me....LOL!! Good luck with your move and I wish I could help you pack!!

  9. The only good thing I found about moving is that I got to throw out all the junk I had collected and start in a new place with less junk.. for a while. I wish you a safe and uneventful move and much happiness in your new home. Have a good weekend.

  10. You have a lot of work in front of you! I've moved 10 times so I can relate. I'm sure it will be great once you get to your new home. Happy packing :)

  11. we have moved so many times in our 15 years of marriage that i can't bear the thought of it again...i joke that the only way i'm leaving this house is when they carry me out feet first...but it is exciting to have a new home to decorate and personalize so maybe if you focus on that happy thought the actual packing will go much easier...can't wait to see the new digs! and thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded.


    stuff and nonsense

  12. Sigh...moving...you always know the end result will be great but oh the process of it all is not fun! But, I am so excited for your next journey and know that you will have so many great things to share with us along the way. :-) Thank you for linking this up and for being such a great friend to us at the Fence!
    P.S. Your comment on today's post brought tears to my eyes just as my post brought them to yours!

  13. I don't envy that move girl! My SIL lives in Yuma part of the year and we have gone down to Mexico from there, bet you will miss that huh? Looking forward to following along with your move..thanks for your nice comment on my blog, I can't believe I have 100 followers now because of Debbie


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!