
A Bit of Nature and a Query.

Hey, everyone.  My blogging time lately seems to be more about trying to stay in touch with my bloggy friends & checking out their blog posts, rather than doing any new posts of my own.  That being said, here's my query.  How do all of you who have some large "Follower" bases, stay on top of staying in touch with those followers?  I feel really bad when I can't comment on my followers' posts, but it seems really daunting and very time-consuming.  Is there some trick to making it easier to be a good blog friend & still have time for other things?  I hope this doesn't sound like I'm whining because truly I'm not.  I just want to do this blogging-thing (which I love) the best way possible.  Do any of you have this same issue?  I would love to hear your thoughts & ideas.

Now, because I know most of you are visual & love pictures, here are some I took a few days ago.  For those who live in states where citrus grows, this isn't anything new to you.  For those in other parts of the country, I hope you will enjoy.  To me, this is nature at its finest.

This is one of our grapefruit trees.  The big delicious fellow is this year's yummy fruit.  If you look closely to the left, you will see some of the flowers & if you look closer still, you will see next year's baby starting to show inside those flowers

Here in Yuma, we only have this for a short while because we get so much wind.  The delicate little flowers that carry such sweet aroma throughout our neighborhoods are no match for the winds that we get here.  They do manage to hang on long enough to protect the delicate new fruit beginning to bud.

The flowers are drying up & will be quickly blown away, or washed away with the rain we just had.  The babies and their older siblings will co-exist on these trees well into the summer.  As our weather warms, the mature fruit gets juicier & juicier, making it best to peel like an orange & eat it OUTSIDE!

This is our Meyer Lemon.  This is the first year this tree will bear fruit, so you can see the teeny little lemons just barely showing within the flowers.

Hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of desert beauty & please come again soon.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I love Meyer Lemons!!! :D

    As far as your query, I am having issues, too. And there are some blogs I follow, leave comments, and I NEVER hear ANYTHING from the bloggers. Not once, not ever.

    If you learn anything helpful, please share with me!

  2. Awe how wonderful it must be to grow your own fruit! Wow!!! As far as keeping up (well, I think we all have our favorites) and I don't mean that to be ugly at all, but I am like you, I try to respond to all who visit, follow and comment. Just know that you do not have to respond to me every time I post or leave a comment, but DO let me know that you are still alive and are ok every once in a while, K?

  3. Love your tree, pretty shot. Now onto your query...there is no easy answer. I am not sure how I do it, and to be honest I am not that on top of it anymore. I just can't..most people do understand. Do what you can do and really don't worry about it. I try to even answer in my own posts just in case people come back they see I do acknowledge them. I read every single one of my comments no matter what, and some weeks there are hundreds. Blogging should be fun,not frustrating or a chore..so make it just that my friend and you will be fine.

  4. How lovely to have a grapefruit tree and a Meyer lemon tree in your garden. Lemon pie, yum.

    I know what you mean about it taking so much time returning comments.
    I just started my blog about two months ago and I'm thrilled to now have 60+ followers and was wondering, like you, how some with large followings keep up.

    LOL, I don't think I have to worry about getting too big for a long time.
    Have a great Sunday,

  5. Loved seeing the lemon tree with the baby lemons. If you go to your dashboard you will see the list of blogs you follow and there will be a photo every time someone posts-you can zip down the list and comment.

  6. Cas,
    Loved the photos, I well recall when I first moved to Tempe many many years ago and the first day I drove through an orange grove and the delicious smell of the flowers!
    As far as commenting, don't have that many followers and was trying to respond to each individual but then I started thinking many people I comment on their blogs never acknowledge, usually they have hundreds of followers and I don't know how they would have time honestly. So like someone else said I try to let them know when I write a new post that I have read the comment and answer there. If any has a better way I am all ears!

  7. Hello Cas! I think I haven't seen an actual lemon tree. Lemons don't really grow in our place. I need some refreshing pictures like this because I feel a bit sad today.

    With regards to your problem of how to catch up to your followers, if I may suggest, you might consider having like a target number of visits per week. You can try committing yourself to visit let us say at least 10 of your followers' blog in a week.

    I hope you had a great weekend.

  8. Hi Cas
    I like Diane's idea...visiting a certain number of your followers a week. Not bad.
    As for me, I am new, so I don't know much. But I try to visit those who comment and see what they are up to. It's hard to have enough time to see all the wonderfulness in blog land.

    oh, and I'm totally jealous of your citrus trees. I need some tropical weather in my life!

    TTFN (um, that's Tigger, for Ta Ta For Now)

  9. So jealous of your lemons!! As for keeping up, I don't have a good answer. In-fact I find myself almost never having time to just cruise around blog-land and see what everyone is up to. I spend my commenting time responding to the wonderful folks that take the time to comment on my blog. Which is great b/c then I see what they are up to!! It has gotten to be very time consuming as my followers have increased but I wouldn't change it!! I love connecting with folks and sharing ideas! Oh I try to have one "linkable" project a week. If I get it done, great if not, no worries. Blog land moves fast. One week you are the bell of the ball with a great project the next week, no one is stopping by. I think making the real connections are what gets folks to come back for more. I hope that helps? just do what you are doing and know that whatever you can do now is what needs to be done. Faith right?


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!