
"Moving In" Day!

Hey everyone.  Before I share a few pics of moving in day, I just want to thank each and everyone who has made such sweet comments on my last few posts.  Sorry, I'm too busy to respond to each of you individually, but I truly appreciate ya'll.  Hopefully I'll get my head above water here soon & get back to visiting each of you.  I MISS ya'll!

I can't say enough about the professionalism of this moving company, Always Professional in Moving.  The owner, Ray, was right on-time, arriving at our new home at 7 a.m.  The very first thing he did was put down  long blue cloths that stretched from well outside each entry & then into the house.  This was to clean the hand-truck wheels before they ever went onto our carpet.  They unloaded the flatbed first.

Several of the crew had been with us during the "Move Out" day, but there were a few newbies, too.  After unloading most of the garage (The Man's stuff.....lol!) & lots of boxes, Ray herded the crew into our laundry room to wash up before they started handling our furniture.  I was sooooo impressed!

They used large sheets of plywood to section the truck & keep things from shifting.

The Boss Man kept shouting orders of caution & instruction.  I heard lots of  "rack 'em, stack 'em."  They would sort and stack the boxes according to the room locations (I had marked those rooms clearly on each box) & as soon as there were 4 boxes for a particular room, one of the crew would slip them onto an awaiting hand-truck.  They were definitely "worker bees" that day.

Prior to the movers' arrival, I put directional sheets all around the house so they would know where things should be located.  I had also made little marks on the walls where things needed to be centered.  They always made sure that any electrical cords were easily accessible for us.

I have unpacked about 75 boxes so far, and there has been no damage or breakage.  The kitchen is all unpacked, & my FiestaWare dishes are all safe & sound.....WHEW!  

It feels so truly wonderful to be in our new home.  The Man is retiring at the end of the month, so he can be here full-time, too.  Even-though it felt like this whole "buying-selling-moving" process had taken a long time, it really has only been 9 months since we made the decision that we wanted to move to this area.  That's a lot of juggling in a short period of time, well, at least it is for us "older folks!"  We feel truly blessed that everything has fallen into place.

Again, thank you for hanging in there with me & for stopping by.  Please come again soon.

I'm happily linking to: 


  1. How fantastic that you had such a great crew to help! I've heard and seen a few horror moving days, brand new cream carpets wrecked and a TV dropped! Sounds like the day couldn't have gone better, so pleased its going well.

  2. I'm happy to see you checking it. So glad things are going smoothly for you.

  3. Hey Cas!It's really a wow for the 75 boxes and no damages recorded so far. I am excited to see how your new home looks like. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Cass,
    So happy to hear your are already moved in and starting to get settled.
    That sure takes a bit doesn't it.
    so glad everything went so well, they really did sound like great movers!!
    Wow. I am impressed............

    Wanted to drop by to tell you I am doing a giveaway and wanted you to get in on it. Don't know if your computer is up and running yet or not, but if you get a chance come by and let me know if you want to
    be included in my drawing. It want
    end until wed,August 24th, so just leave me a comment on which ever day you come saying you want to be in the drawing.

    So great your hubby will be off soon permanently to help you get squared away - know you are gonna have fun decorating once you get everything where you want it.

    Blessings Sweet friend, So happy for you, and know you are gonna love being able to see those grandies more often........

    Blessings Sweet Friend,

  5. So often I feel like we are quick to criticize or complain when we get poor customer service, so it gives me warm fuzzies to hear all about your great experience with this company. I hope you send them a link to your post! Can't wait to see more pictures!

  6. It’s good to know that not a bit has been damaged during the moving process. Well, that’s the great thing about using good quality boxes. You are guaranteed that your stuff will arrive in your new home in perfect condition. It’s also nice that you put directional sheets, so your “worker bees” know where they’ll put those packages. That’s quite a smart move, huh? :)

    Pedro Padro

  7. I say that the crew made the whole process easier. You don’t have to sweat about your stuff because they did the hard work for you. They looked very dedicated to their job; these guys really deserve some credit.

    Louvenia Pinkerton


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!