
Better Get on the Bandwagon!

Hey everyone!  So many of my bloggy friends are signing up HERE for "The Linky Followers".  They all say they want to be prepared just in case Google does something else to shake things up.  So I decided it wouldn't hurt to have The Linky Followers as a backup.  I'm not saying you have to start following me here, but I would be happy if you did.  They do have a pretty amazing dashboard where you can sort & categorize those blogs you follow.  Anyway, it's up to you.  Every time I visit a blog & see that they have the Linky Followers (usually located just below or above GFC & that's where mine is located), I sign up.  Gotta follow the Scout motto, "Always be prepared!"


I'm off to do some fabric shopping today for a duvet for our master bedroom.  I can see exactly what I want in my mind, now if I can just find it in the store.....lol!  Wish me luck!
Have a great day,


  1. OK I'm following with Linky now. I need to do this to mine too. I'll add it to the list!

  2. I agree...a backup can't hurt. I just linked up to follow you. :)

    Also, I edited my post on red beans to correct the CAS....sorry I had the wrong one. It's linked to YOU now, tho. :))

  3. Thanks CAS for stopping by and enjoying my Pears painting!

    Hope that you find the fabric for your duvet. Happy hunting!


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!