
Woohoo, I Did It!

Hey everyone!  I'm so excited, because I just did a new blog header!  Do you like it?  I've been stewing about this for the longest time, because I really wasn't sure how to go about it.  My previous one, that I've had forever, was designed for me as a blog give-away;  & all the instructions I had read sounded so complicated.  Finally I found a very easy tutorial at Decor & the Dog.  She used Picnik, which I know is going away mid-April, but it was so simple.  I plan to make up some more headers using this method & just keep them stored for future use.  I know this isn't a big deal to most of you, but most of what happens with my blog design, happens purely by accident -- seriously!  Anyway, I hope you like it.  I may change some background colors & such, but I kind of like it just the way it is for now!  Hope ya'll have a great day!



  1. It looks great, you did a fab job! Good idea to make some 'spare' headers, now you know what your doing makes sense to 'stock up'!

  2. Like it! I need to venture out and do one!

  3. I LOVE it and I'm proud of you!! Sure do wish I were that brave!! I look forward to seeing more!!

  4. Love it! Can you tell me where to go on Picnic to make this collage, I can't find it, that's why I have such a big picture on mine. What do you click on to make a collage of pictures?


  5. I like it; simple and clean.

    I keep mine pretty simple and that way don't have to worry about changing it :)

  6. The header looks great, Cas! I know it would take me years to figure out how to do it...mine is pretty much there to stay! Smart idea to save a few!

    Have a great day!


  7. Congrats! Your new header looks great! I need to figure out how to re-do mine, as well. I admire bloggers who can change theirs monthly -- or at least with the seasons!

  8. You did a wonderful job, it looks so professional. Lovely!!!

  9. Nice job on the header! You should be proud.

  10. It looks great! I should make some for my blog before Picnik goes away forever!

  11. I love it Cas! Simple yet elegant and most of all very you!

  12. I love it Cas! Simple, elegant and very reflective of you!

  13. Well it is a great and I love it! Nice job!

  14. It looks fabulous! There's nothing like learning a new computer skill to brighten things up.

    I just got a new header designed - love my new look. But I had to pay for mine (although it really wasn't expensive).

  15. Congratulations. Sometimes we just have to be in the right mood! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Good for you! It looks wonderful! I always call on my friend to help me. One of these days I'm going to try to do this on my own!!

  17. Yay! Congrats on your accomplishment! I love the new header - so Springy and perfect for this time of year.

  18. Oh I know what you mean Cas, things like this are scary for me. I'm going to do the same and store some for future use (if I can find time to make them up). Following back on Linky :)

  19. Yay!! It looks great! I'm itching to redo mine now!


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Make this a great day!