
I'm Truly So Spoiled!

Hey everyone!  I was so caught up in sharing our Spain vacation with ya'll, that I didn't take the time to share my Mother's Day treasures with you.  I truly am so very spoiled & mainly by my sweet, sweet hubby -- aka: The Man!  It's been a long-standing rule in our home that our children are not to buy presents for us for any of the special holidays.  Once-in-awhile, they will slip one in, but we just prefer that they use their money on their own families.  There is nothing that we need that we can't buy for ourselves & they have young families & all the responsibilities that go along with that.  That being said, The Man more than makes up for any lack of gifts, and he doesn't always wait for a special occasion.  Sadly, he is much more generous than I am.  I shamefully attribute that to the fact that I "love" stuff, so many different kinds of stuff, & he DOES NOT.  He is very difficult to buy for, so when I think of something unique to get for him, I am absolutely thrilled.  I've really got my "thinking cap" on for Father's Day!  Anyway, on to Mother's Day.

Some of these things I purchased for myself with some money The Man gave me.

The Man bought me the flowers but let me pick them out (he's color-blind, so he's not always sure about colors).  We got them at Costco -- they always have gorgeous bouquets!  It still looks beautiful a week later.

The Man knows that I adore Kirkland's, so we popped in there last Saturday.  If you haven't been to that store lately, you must go.  They just keep adding the most adorable things.  I love (& use) aprons & this one was just too cute to pass up.

Is this not the cutest little set of espresso cups?  We got hooked on espresso & cappuccino in the afternoon while we were in Spain, so I just had to have these.  Now I have to find an espresso maker....lol!  Do you like them stacked right-side up or..........

upside down?  I think they look cute either way.

I've actually had this grand fellow for a couple of weeks, but hadn't had time to show him off!  We were bumming around Burlington Coat Factory, looking at suitcases before our trip, & stumbled across this beauty.  The Man actually thinks my new-found love of roostery things is quite charming, so he's always looking for them.  He's the one who spotted this one.  I don't know what Mr. Roo is made out of, but he is super-heavy!

I'm the "Chief Cook & Bottle Washer" around our homestead, so The Man likes to keep the creative juices flowing, & he knows how much I adore "The Pioneer Woman."  This new cookbook just may be better than the first one -- if that's possible!

I'm pretty much a "girlie-girl" & love baubles & glitz.  The Man bought this little beauty & had.......

this put on the back.  He is just the sweetest man.  I've been wearing this a lot.

Well, now you know my "dirty little secret."  I am super-spoiled!  Not that many people find the "love of their life" the first time around, but I certainly did!  And, he's all mine, ladies, so back off.  You don't want to mess with a woman wearing an apron, sporting baubles & glitz, loaded up on espresso & having ready-access to knives & wooden meat mallets!  Okay, okay, I'm calmer now.  Would you care for an expresso or iced coffee?  Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh my, fabulous gifts, you really did hit the jackpot. I think being spoiled is super cool. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  2. I love the necklace! And you are indeed blessed and spoiled :) But I believe being the great wife, mother, grandmother and blogger, you deserve everything.

  3. So lovely. You are very spoiled...I agree! Were you on vacation when The Pioneer Woman was in town to sign books? The jewelry is awesome. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy.

  4. You did get some fantastic treasures. I love the little cups. We don't drink much coffee here...but they are cute as can be. I have a Kirklands....really too close for comfort in my new neighborhood!!!

  5. Yep, you are super spoiled! I love evrything you got and that's a FEW GIFTS already, after a great Spanish vacation, goodness!! I think I'm not that generous with him either, but he doesn't care for things for the house for FD, or birthdays...so he gets a jacket, a sweater, a shirt, an Italian silk tie, or even curdoroy pants he loves! I make sure I get him brands he loves, at least.
    We're spoiled!! Hugs,

  6. You are spoiled but I am sure he loves the spoiling!!! You did get some wonderful goodies to be sure!


  7. Hi Cas,
    Hey, spoiled is good, there should ber more spoiled wives in the world,
    cause they make for happy homemakers.

    Love your necklace so beautiful and so sweet he had it engraved as well.
    My hubby is a sweetie too, so know what you mean. You got lots of cute goodies there, those lil cups are adorable as well as your red rooster.
    Enjoy your loot........and wearing that lovely necklace.
    glad you had such a great Mom's day.
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! That apron is amazing! I love the ruffles and the color!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  9. Isn't it fun to be spoiled?!


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Make this a great day!