
Old MacS's Farm -- Ee i Ee i Oh!

Hey everyone!  I've finally gotten caught up on all the laundry from our vacay & have more Spain pics to share.  But first, I mentioned that our garden kind of went wild while we were gone, so I thought I'd share a few pics of that first.
Just so you can see the difference a couple of weeks can make.......
This pic & the one below were taken the week before we left on our trip.

Scrawny, but progress was being made.  When we returned from our vacation.......

Garden gone wild!

We now know not to plant squashes & pumpkins so close together.  In this messy mass, we have zucchini, yellow crookneck, spaghetti & acorn squashes, & a pumpkin.  They are all producing!

Four of the tomatoes are about 4 feet tall.  Can you see all the tomatoes?

Better?  These are yellow pear tomatoes.

No one in the family likes green bell peppers, so we planted yellow, red & orange.

Our first harvest.

My pot of herbs is producing well, too, so I got a bunch of basil & some lemon verbena.

I'm making a Zucchini & Yellow Squash Marinated Salad today from a selection of healthy recipes I found HERE.  

Next up on our Spain'12 Vacation will be our tour to Gibraltar.  I may get that post finished today or it may be a day or two down the road.  My body clock is still trying to get back in sync.....lol!  Thanks so much for stopping by & please come again soon.



  1. YUM!!! Love squash & zuch! Especially grilled & mixed with grilled shrimp.

  2. They look delicious. Can't wait to see the other pics. Have a great week.

  3. Squash & Zuch are two of my favorite veggies! I LOVE basil, too!! You are a lucky girl! =) Enjoy....xo ~Liz

  4. Wow! Everything is fresh, organic and healthy.

  5. Oh, your veggies look so delicious! Your garden is coming along great! I'd love to see that recipe.
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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