
A Perfect Day!

Hey, everyone!  I hope ya'll had a really wonderful weekend.  We had our "most fun" family gathering yet!  Don't get me wrong, we always have a good time when we all get-together, but this time was especially so.  And I think the main reason is because I was so much more relaxed about it.  I didn't get all crazy cleaning & preparing a bunch of stuff.  No one expects me to do all that, but I always do it

Even though our children always want to bring food items, I usually make a bunch of dishes, too, just so we don't run out.....lol!  All this "craziness" really bothers The Man, because he doesn't like to see me working so hard & he knows I will scoop him into the fray of pre-party activity.  Soooo.....we decided to "buy" (gasp, cough, gasp) take-out barbecued spareribs from Joe's Barbecue (for any Phoenix area locals who might be reading this, this restaurant makes the best barbecue) & their fab baked beans; so along with the things our kids were contributing, I only made potato salad.

Our home doesn't get super-dirty because I'm pretty good at doing some tidying up every day; but I've always felt the need to do a "deep" cleaning -- vacuuming, mopping, dusting, etc. etc. -- before any company (including family) comes. This time, in all my "latent wisdom," thought about the 6 grands (ranging in age from almost 13 down to 16 months) running in & out of the house, glasses of fruit punch, dusty little feet, etc., and decided just how dumb it would be to vacuum & mop.  Wow, it doesn't take me long does it?

The other thing I usually make myself crazy with is taking pictures -- ya'll know what I mean, because most of you are "crazy picture takers," too!  Sometimes I feel like I get so caught up in recording the event or activity with photos, that I actually miss some of the fun.  I didn't even take the camera out until the kiddoes were in the garden, & that was just too much fun to miss.  I didn't even take any pictures when we were at the pool, because I was actually in the pool, splashing around with all the kids.  So much more fun than standing out in the hot sun with the camera.  Hellooooo......where have I been?

So anyway, my new mantra for family gatherings is "Keep It Simple & Enjoy!"  Of course I will do all the craziness when anyone else other than family comes over......lol!  I will for sure clean like a mad woman if any of ya'll want to visit.....wink, wink!

There were lots of flags around our neighborhood, including ours.  The early morning sun is
peaking over the house.

I still love my front door wreath & didn't want to change it, so I just added the 2 little flags to give it a little "patriotic" punch.

The 5 oldest grands descended on the garden & had so much fun.

They had a system -- the cousins in the back would collect hands-full of the little
cherry & pear tomatoes, & then pass them to their cousins in the front, who would then
drop them in the basket.

They took this all so seriously.

I purposefully did not harvest anything on Saturday or Sunday so the kiddoes would have plenty to pick.  I didn't get a picture of the basket when they had finished, but it was over-flowing with tomatoes.  Everyone took home a large bag of tomatoes, plus some squash.

This little Miss wanted to get in on the action, but the bushes were kind of stickery for her.  The older cousins kept her busy taste-testing tomatoes -- she loved them!

I gave a little "squeal" when she showed up wearing "salt water sandals!"  I'm so glad to see that some things do stand the test of time.  My own children always had these sandals for summer & that was 40 years ago -- sigh.

So, that's how we spent Memorial Day, and I wouldn't change a thing.  Everyone went home with full tummies, leftovers, fresh produce, wet suits & towels, and very tired children.  The Man & I collapsed on the sofa and enjoyed watching Pt. 1 of The Hatfields & the McCoys.  It was a perfect day.

 I actually have a creative project to share with ya'll this week & thought I'd give you 
just a little sneaky peek.

Are you curious?  I'll share soon, I promise.

Thanks for stopping by, & I do hope you will come again soon. 


  1. Your gardeners are so cute! Weekends with grandkids are the best!


  2. Wow your garden plants are huge. I do the same thing, run around for days making everything perfect and when the party starts I am to pooped to party:)

  3. Sounds like it all went as you planned. I did not watch part 1. Too late for me. Should have recorded but oh well, maybe next time. The garden looks so full. And, what fun they had harvesting all of the goodies. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Glad you had a great weekend. Your garden looks great, and I'm looking forward to reading about your latest project!

  5. Hi Cas,
    sounds like a wonderful time, I didn't make a thing either, I bought it all this time. Sure makes life simple. I have adopted that mantra
    and think it is well worth keeping,
    but when the really special holidays come I still like to do a nice table,
    but I usually use paper products
    for summer months....as laid back and easy as always been our summer
    time routine since the kids were lil and in school. Summers were purely for enjoyment and as lil work as possible, that was all for the school year!! lol
    Glad you had such a great time, these times are so precious..........
    blessings, Nellie

  6. Your garden is amazing! "Little miss" is sooooo cute!! I sure miss that stage, she's just darling! xo ~Liz

  7. What a fun day! All the kids are adorable!


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Make this a great day!