
The Rain in Spain Stayed Mainly in Seville....LOL!

Hey everyone!  Today I'll take you on a tour of Seville.  We left sunny Torremolinos bright & early, but about 45 minutes into our 3 hour bus ride, we started seeing lots of clouds.  This was an "uh oh" moment!

Sorry for the reflection.  I took this out the bus window.  I didn't realize olive oil was such a big product of Spain.  Those are all olive trees on the rolling hills.

The weather got cloudier & nastier as we got closer to Seville.  We were wishing we had planned for this contingency.  Never fear, we were met by peddlers just outside the bus selling umbrellas!

The rain started as soon as we entered the city & was really coming down when we made our first stop.  This is Plaza de Espana.

Beautiful even in the rain.

Don't know what the deal was with the carriage.  Really wasn't a nice day for a carriage ride....lol!

This place was huge.  It was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.  It is a major example of the Renaissance Revival style in Spanish architecture.

I love how this is framed in this massive archway.

A beautiful monument dedicated to Christopher Columbus.

Beautifully carved in marble.

This is Catedral de Santa Maria de las Sede -- Seville Cathedral.  It's the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world & the 3rd largest over all.  It was consecrated in 1507.

The massiveness is overwhelming.

I actually got this photo from the internet, because it is so much better than the one

I took.  People kept getting in front of short-stuff here!  This is the burial sight

of Christopher Columbus (or so they say....hmmmm?)  Don't know why this got a bit "spacey" here.

This looks like one of those optical illusions with the mirrors, but it isn't.  It goes on & on.

This is one of the Chapels that is still being used.

There are 80 chapels in all.  Sorry for the glare.  All the glitz is the real deal -- all gold & silver.

This photo gives you a better idea of the height & mass.

We were in the Cathedral for a couple of hours, & by then, the rain had let up for a bit.  We don't know if this was a wedding party or for some other celebration, but we kept seeing carriages with very dressy people.  The women & little girls, especially, were in traditional dresses.

We took a boat ride to see a few more sights.  Unfortunately, we couldn't here very well, so we don't know what this beautiful building is -- its architecture is stunning!

I loved all the little balconies.  They were only large enough for some potted plants.

Yep, graffiti is alive and well in Spain, too!

Can you see it peeking out through the shrubs?

File:Expo 92 03.jpg
This is another photo from the internet showing the World Expo of 1992 here in Seville.  Not a lot of this still remains.

Two of the hotels are still here.

This was part of one of the pavilions, but this is all that is still visible.

Apparently it rained pretty much everywhere in the entire region.  This was the beach scene when we got back to our hotel.

At least it wasn't raining anymore, so we strolled around the little streets close to our hotel.  Lots of the little shops have apartments on the 2nd floor.  This person certainly had a way with geraniums.

I called this "My Beach" because "Carolina" is my name in Spanish.  Oops, it started raining again!

That's a wrap for today.  I don't think I've mentioned this, but I've taken all my photos with my Nikon CoolPix.  I was afraid to take my good camera because we were warned ahead of time about thievery.  As it turned out, we didn't have any problems whatsoever, but it was certainly easier to carry the little camera in my crossover travel pouch.

I will be wrapping up my Spain tour in 2 more posts.  I'm so appreciative of the nice comments I've received, but even I'm getting a bit bored with this.  It has certainly been a great way for me to edit my photos & create a "memory timeline" for my own photo album.  That's a major "to do" project, but I think it will be so much easier now.

As I bid farewell for the weekend, I leave you with the very best wishes for a very 
Happy Mother's Day!
xoxo, CAS


  1. Truly breathtaking pictures, Cas! Even in the rain!!

    Happy Mother's Day!


  2. Thanks for sharing. Happy Mother's Day.

  3. I am enjoying the tour of Spain! :D Love the photos of the cathedral.

  4. Hi Cas,
    Happy Mother's Day to you too!

    Loved your pics, all very pretty.
    Yes, the cathedrals in europe are absolutely amazing and stunning, but dead as a doornail, as hardly anyone attends them, so they use them as tourist places........I find that pretty sad, not that they use them
    so people can see the, just sad no one attends them.
    When you look at the pics of these huge Basilica's, what they call them in germany...........the people look like ants, at least in our pictures..........
    We lived in germany for about 10 mos., and traveled a few other places but not to spain, so fun seeing the pictures of it.

    Have a great time on Sunday,
    Blessings, nellie

  5. Hi Cas! Wow everything is pure magnificence. I enjoyed looking at each picture.

  6. This lovely place is now on my "Must See" list.

    I live on the west side and our Food City is brilliant for Mexican takeout. :)

    I have a praise in that our home has officially sold. I now have just 32 to days to find a home, pack and move. A little pressure? :) We put a bid on a home yesterday that will give "The Money Pit" a run for it's money.
    I wanted to let you know that I so appreciate all of your support and kind comments and if I am absent the next few weeks from your blog please know I will return soon.

    For whomever you nurture, have a happy and blessed Mother's Day.

  7. Cas,

    Great pictures of Spain. Lovely!


  8. Atlanta, is a series of photos taken by Harris on film sets, and shows this new Southern filmmaking in action. The original exhibition also included a three-channel video piece, composed of Harris' stills, an original score and sounds from the sets, further evoking the emotional range and themes of the films.

  9. "We really see things changing in the film world and the stories are being told in the same way we see attitudes changing in the culture ... Those are the things that are being explored on these independent film sets," he said.

  10. a comedy shot in South Carolina about a Southern mother's suburban life getting turned upside when her daughter starts to believe she is the reincarnation of Elvis Presley. The book was called "My America: Our Strange New Land," and he decided it was a good title for the project.

  11. "The irony was that it was a book for sixth graders about the way in which the pilgrims thought of this continent as a new land, when in fact it wasn't a new land at all for the people who had been here for many centuries," Harris said.


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Make this a great day!