
Proud Nanna!

Hey everyone!  I just had to brag a bit.  Our oldest granddaughter, Taylor, just got back from the Jr. National Olympics in Long Beach.  I don't have all the numbers yet, but she did very well in Trampoline, which she's only been doing for 2 months.

I may just be "over-the-top" prejudiced, but is this great form or what..........

She was just limbering up & fighting off "butterflies!"

Taylor is on the right of her younger sister, Riley......actually Taylor is only 2 minutes older.  My first grandchildren, & I was blessed with a double package of lovin' almost thirteen years ago.  My daughter made the "big" announcement on my 50th birthday.  Best birthday present ever!


  1. Wow! Jr. Olympics after 2 months on the trampoline--that's talent!

  2. So wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. WOW, yes, incredible form! =) How exciting, congrats to Taylor. Both granddaughters are adorable!

    Have a wonderful weekend! xo ~Liz

  4. OMGoodness, that is an amazing accomplishment! My daughter was in gymnastics for many years so I know. I wanted to tell you that yes, my lillies are Star Gazers and they smell heavenly! Thanks for your visit, I really appreciate it. XO, Pinky

  5. Wow proud grandma moment of a future Olympian. Please extend my congratulations to your beautiful and talented grandchild. Have a great week Cas!

  6. I can see how proud you must be...and winning after only 2 months. That girl has talent. Did she maybe get it from her grandma?


  7. How awesome! Congrats to Taylor and to her proud grandma! Twin grandchildren! You are so blessed!

  8. How lovely! Congratulations to your granddaughter!
    thanks so much for coming to visit and for your lovely comment on my dress refashion. got me to visit you. i like it here and am following you now with gfc. i would be honored if you would like to follow back, but no hard feelings if not :-)
    have a great weekend

  9. You have every right to be proud! That's an amazing accomplishment for such a young lady! Both girls are so beautiful!

  10. You should be proud, great news to share!

  11. Oh how wonderful! She's beautiful (they both are) and her pointed toes are just lovely. :)

  12. Hi Cas,
    Well, my computer is up and running again, quicker that I thought, so that is good, and didn't cost us a penny, so very happy about that.

    Your grandaughters are so pretty, and wow, Taylor is quite the gymnasts.
    Didn't know they were twins, how neat, and yes, that would make for a great birthday present for sure.

    Have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. WOW, how awesome is that! Congrats to your family. Best B-day ever is right!

  14. I don't think you are prejudiced at all! That is great form!! Two beautiful girls! Thanks so much for your visit and sweet comment!

  15. Lovely girls. Twins are so fun anyway...you are blessed!

  16. I don't know how gymnast do that stuff! Congrats to her!

  17. Congrats! How exciting for your family! Your granddaughters are beautiful! Wishing you a lovely week! Angie xo

  18. Yee haw! I know y'all are Happy! congrats!


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