
Easy Scarf Dyeing -- Who Knew?

Hey, everyone!  I don't know about ya'll, but I cannot believe it's Friday already and September is almost over!  Our weather here in the AZ desert is into the "big swing-time" -- some cool down in the mornings and evenings but still pretty warm during the day.  Friends and neighbors are definitely starting to pop their heads out of their air-conditioned homes to spend more time outside; and we know it will only get better from here on into next May.  So, "YAY" to those of us who survived the summer, because we are about to be rewarded!

I wanted to share a really quick post (I truly mean that....lol) about a super-fun and easy-peasy project.  Here in our development community, we have recently started a women's group.  We are testing the waters in several different directions & having fun every step of the way.  We met this past Wednesday at the Ranch House (one of our community centers) for a "Scarf to Dye For" class.  What transpired is not at all what I was expecting.  I took plastic gloves because I was thinking "tie-dyeing," but this was so much easier.  I took all the photos with my phone, so the quality is not the best -- sorry.

We had 2 ladies per table & the tables had been covered with plastic.  Then we were each given a nice, 
white silk scarf & colored tissue paper.  We could use whatever color combo of paper we wanted and could tear it into any shape pieces and lay it out on our scarf.

Some of the ladies really getting into laying out their paper.  

Mine is on the upper left.  I chose the colors of Fall, but also wanted some white showing.  My table partner didn't want any white showing, so she completed covered her scarf with tissue pieces.

After it was laid out the way you wanted, you simply spritzed it with water and the tissue paper started bleeding onto the scarf.

This is how mine turned out.  Once you see the tissue edges starting to lift, it's time to start removing the pieces.  Once the scarf is dry, you need to heat-set it with your iron on silk & use some paper towels on the top and bottom just incase it bleeds through -- mine did not.

This is how it looks.  Just ignore the model, she likes to pop in and take pictures, but.......

She's not very good -- couldn't even get her hand out of the way, GEEZE!

So what do you think?  I'm pretty pleased with how it looks, and I love the colors.  My mind is spinning with other possibilties -- I would like to try doing some cut shapes or tearing the paper into strips and making stripes.  I'm also thinking these would be fun to do with my older granddaughters.  I think the possibilities are as unlimited as your imagination will let you go.  If you are interested, HERE is a link to a place to buy the silk scarves -- no I'm not getting paid!

I hope you enjoyed and thanks for stopping by.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!


I'm linking to the following parties:

Katie at Katherine's Corner for Thursday Favorite Things
 Kristen at Kristen's Creations for Share Your Creations on Thursday
Heather & Vanessa  At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday


  1. Wow, that is SO cool. My 10 and 8 year old daughters would LOVE this craft. I have never heard of this, but it is so simple. It would be really fun to try different color themes (fall, spring, holiday etc..). Thank you so much for sharing! I will have to try soon and post the results on my blog. :)


  2. what a fun ( and stylish) project.Thank you for sharing at the The Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

  3. Gonna try this for sure. I love scarves. Thanks for posting.

    1. You are most welcome! I love scarves, too, but I'm thinking they would make great Christmas presents or anytime presents! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oh my.....love the new blog. Have a great weekend.

  5. What a neat trick, I have never seen that done before. You look just darling in your new fashionable scarf.

  6. Now that is really neat! I love how yours turned out. Very autumn. And I think the model is just gorgeous!


  7. What a cool idea! Yes, much easier than tye dying which I am going to do on Tuesday with a bunch of high schoolers - wish me luck! Please share other ideas from your ladies group. How fun to be in such a nice community! Glad you can get outdoors now!

  8. *giggles* You are too cute. Love the scarf. What a fun activity! I want to make one!

  9. That is so creative! I had no idea that could be done.


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Make this a great day!