
I've "Fallen" in the Kitchen, & I Can't Help Myself!

Hey, everyone!  Oh my gosh, I do hope no one actually thought I had taken a tumble.  I assure you I am steadfast on both feet.  I am, however, not crazy about doing anything on a ladder which is difficult if you are short and your cabinet display shelves are "HIGH!"  But those are the lengths we will go for our blog friends, right?  You really should have seen the "look" I got from The Man when he walked into the kitchen & saw me on the ladder taking pictures of the displays on top of the cabinets.  Something was mumbled under his breath as he left the room -- don't know what it was and probably don't want to know!  Anyway, I just wanted to share some of the special touches of Fall that I've added and hope you enjoy the tour.

Top of the fridge and no "dust bunnies!"

I actually keep stealing pumpkins from this display to use somewhere else.....lol!

I know you've seen these before, but I was up on the ladder anyway!  These pieces belonged to 
The Man when he was a little boy -- long, long, long time ago!

I love the new lighting.

I simply added some pumpkin picks to some potted greenery that I picked up at IKEA.

Wrapped the pots in burlap & tied with jute string.

You can kind of see the shelving that The Man made for all these above-the-cabinet spaces after adding the crown -- otherwise, all my pretties were sitting too low to be seen.

I picked up the little stacked cloth pumpkins in the $ section of Target a few years back.

I just keep refilling this metal teapot with whatever fits the season.

The pumpkin patch sign is one of very few new things I've purchased this year.

Doesn't Mr. Roo look like he's sounding the early morning "wakeup" crow?

I just placed a few of my "fallish" dishes in this cabinet, because it makes me happy to
see them through the glass.

Most of these pieces came from Walmart a couple of years ago.

The Man picked up a few groceries for me at Sprouts and surprised me with a sweet bouquet.

Who needs cake?

I'll eventually trade the pasta for some candy corn, but I like that sugary treat way too much
to make it so available this early!

I transformed an old wreath that I've had for many moons (and didn't much care for anymore)
and came up with something I like.

I added my own cloth pumpkin, the scarecrow, faux leaves & pinecones.

Well, that's a wrap for today.  I do have more things to share in the next few days.  We just had a lovely visit with dear friends from out-of-state and have more visitors coming in a couple of weeks.  I'm so happy that I did my Fall decorating early -- our home just feels so warm and inviting as we share time with our friends.

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I'm trying to keep up with comments and visit as many of your blogs as possible.  If I haven't popped in to say "Hi" in awhile, please just give me a "nudge."  I don't want anyone to feel that I'm not giving them a fair share of attention.
Here's wishing you an early "Happy Weekend!"


I'll be happily linking to the following parties:

Katie at Katherine's Corner for Thursday Favorite Things
 Kristen at Kristen's Creations for Share Your Creations on Thursday
Heather & Vanessa  At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Stopping by from Katherine's hop and needed to comment on your amazing fall displays!!! LOVE them.

  2. Your kitchen vignettes look wonderful! My husband most likely would have had the same reaction as yours did. Sometimes they just don't get the whole blogging thing!

  3. It all looks so pretty. I, too, love the candy corn and I have to go to Walgreens & buy the little bag or the other bags will be completely gone. That's just the way it is. Have a great weekend. So enjoyed seeing all the goodies. Hugs.

  4. Oh I love all the autumnal touches you created in your kitchen!

  5. Your kitchen is all warm up with your beautiful vignettes! I love the ones on top of the cabinets, I guess the lighting creates that extra special effect!

  6. All your Fall decor looks gorgeous! Such beautiful vignettes! I also hate getting on the ladder, but it seems that is where I always find myself! Being a small person is not easy! LOL Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Everything is just beautiful, you have been busy. All I have done is purchase some mums so far. I can't believe how wonderful the inside of your cabinet looks, so pretty with all the colorful dishes.

  8. Love everything you have done for fall! I really need to get busy but not this weekend as the grands are coming for the night!!!

  9. I really like your decorating and would love to have you link up with our Pumpkin Party going on for a whole month!! Take care, Linda


  10. I am loving every bit of your fall decor, you have accessorized your kitchen beautifully. Those dishes from Walmart are so cute. The lighting is gorgeous and really makes your fall accessories pop. Hope your having a wonderful weekend! XO ~Liz

  11. Everything looks so pretty, but you be extra careful while playing on the ladder!


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Make this a great day!