
What Do You Need When You're Sick?

Hey everyone!  Sniff, sniff, cough, cough, ah-choooo!  Yep, that would be me right now......lol!  What are your basic needs when you are sick?  Well, since I seem to have some time on my hands, I thought I'd share what my needs are.  Ah-choo, ah-choo!  Jeez, please remind me to sanitize this keyboard when I start feeling better -- yuk!

First and foremost, my BFF!
Nyquil or Walmart's way cheaper version.  Which shall it be, The Daytime No-Drowsey version or 
The NiteTime, liquor-induced coma version?  I'm going for the "liquor" -- heck, I'm not driving!

Plenty of these -- thanks Costco for having such pretty boxes!

Ahhh......hot Russian Tea, all citrusy and cinnamony!

Thanks, Santa, for my warm Isotoners!

Gotta have my phone just incase someone calls and I can sound all sicky and pathetic.

Laptop - check!  I can do lots of blogging -- well, at least I can blog until I fall into that
Nyquil "coma!"

Take care, dear friends, and don't get sick!



  1. Hope you are feeling much better soon, Carol.

  2. Oh my......don't tell me it has gotten to you. I've heard that there are a lot of people sick. My aunt has had it for a couple of weeks. The cough is the worst. I started taking my vitamin C more faithfully and Echinachea(sp). I'm not gonna get sick. I hope those kleenex are Puffs Plus so UR nose won't feel it. Hoping you make a very speedy recovery. Hugs.

  3. Oh no! I hope you feel better real soon! We didn't get flu shots and now I am afraid it is too late. Everyone we know is sick right now. I feel like I am walking on eggshells! I hope all your remedies work! Take care!

  4. Oh, I hope you feel better soon, Carol! Keep warm and snuggly!
    I just pinned a recipe for this....for cough and sore throat....http://nancyvienneau.com/blog/articles/home-remedy/
    It's made of apple cider, honey, ginger, cayenne and some water. Easy to put together and sounds verrrry comforting!

    1. Thanks for the link and for the get-well-wishes. I'll check it out.

  5. Hope you get well soon Carol. Looks like you are well prepared anyway. I am in Australia and have a Summer cold atm. Would love to head back to bed but at 36 degrees C here today, it is just too hot.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  6. Lovin' your new slippers! Hope you feel better soon and make sure you add chicken soup to your list:@)

  7. I hope you get to feel better soon. Everybody at our home has it too, everybody but me! Keeping fingers crossed! :)

  8. Sure hope you're feeling better soon, Carol. There seems to be so much going around right now.
    Mary Alice

  9. I hope you're well soon! Your list looks a lot like mine. Laptop, phone, same type slippers, kleenex - just take away the Nyquil & add Mucinex & Tussin (the ridiculously cheaper Walmart version), take away the tea & add Dr. Pepper & add an electric throw!

  10. So sorry to hear that you're sick. I hope it's not the flu! I hate being sick. Looks like you're well prepared though. My husband had an icky stomach bug earlier this week, but is now better. So much stuff is going around now.

  11. I hope you feel better soon! We had the flu here and it was not fun!

  12. Carol, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Not fun being sick and who has the time!!! Big hug your way. I am so happy you found my blog so that I could discover you. I look forward to the friendship!!

    1. Thank you, Christy! I'm so glad you are following back. I am feeling better, too!


  13. I actually sneezed while reading this post So hear hear and be well!

  14. Chicken Noodle soup is a must for me. My grandmother makes homemade noodles and I usually have some in my pantry. The Russian tea actually sounds really good right now and I am not even sick.

    1. Homemade chicken noodle soup would really be good! The Russian Tea is delicious, and I usually have a cup in my hands throughout the chilly weather.


  15. I'm very prone to colds and cough Carol. How I wish Equate is also available in my country. If it is available though, it would surely be a bit expensive. Imported products are really pricey in my country.

    You have nice boots there. I love the color and the style. Again, how I wish I could wear them in my always summer country haha

    I hope you are feeling better now. Happy weekend!


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