
More Freaky Weather!

Hey everyone!  It seems that all parts of the country are getting some unusual weather of late, and Arizona is not to be left out.  We had a torrential downpour this morning, and while The Man was out running an errand, he snapped this photo with his iPhone......

These are the Superstition Mountains just 20 miles northeast of us.  Very rare for them to have snow, at 
least down so low.  The Man said there was even snow in the rain hitting the car windshield
when he was out and about.  Three days ago, I was wearing capris and a short sleeve top; today
I'm dressed like "Nanook of the North!"  What "freaky" weather are you having?


  1. Crazy! It was warm Monday, rained yesterday & is freezing today. I'm ready for spring!

  2. It is crazy...and I am so done with the cold...where is our spring???? It better not go from 50s to 100's in a week!

  3. Carol, that picture is gorgeous! What beautiful scenery you have. Our weather has been cold (30's) and windy. There is talk of some snow tonight - not much thank goodness!

  4. Beautiful.
    Lets see...yesterday was sleet, then some snow. Today blustery. Tomorrow more of the same??!

  5. Hi Carol! Your snap is lovely! I think the weather has been crazy all over the place.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Beautiful picture! We have had weather like that also in the past. One day we are in the 80's, next day in the 30's. But not this year, we have had no winter at all. I took all our coats to the cleaners in the Fall and we haven't even used them yet. I am worry about what kind of Summer is in store for us!

  7. I like the contrast of the snow in the mountains with the desert. The weather has been pretty typical this time of year in the Pacific NW with overcast skies and rain. I know elsewhere it has been pretty wild! I am a new follower on GFC, so hope you'll stop by for a visit!

  8. Seems our weather changes all the time. Today it's actually sunny with a very pretty blue sky. What a welcome sight!

  9. *nice* mantel...

    Wow, would you look at that snow! Impressive! We used to live in the foothills of the McDowells....


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