
The Garden Casita

Hey everyone, and Happy Monday to y'all!  I was planning on sharing a different post today, but changed my mind and decided to go with a DIY project that has been a long time coming -- our Garden Casita!  This project was actually started back in June 2012, but due to AZ summer temps, other more pressing projects, company, etc., it is just now finished.  Would you like to see? 

If you have been following me for awhile, like when we lived in our previous home, you will remember this garden casita.
After building this one in our backyard in Yuma, The Man knew he wanted to build another one, and we had the perfect spot.

The original owner bought an extra large lot, and had a concrete pad put on this side of the house.  The Man did a lot of pre-planning to make sure the building could not be seen from the street -- that's one of our HOA requirements.

Adding the additional concrete to fill in the gap was the first job The Man worked on.

Doing concrete work in June in AZ is kind of tricky -- you have to work in very small batches because it's drying so quickly!

Then the lumber started arriving -- it's really a good thing we have a Home Depot about a mile away!

Hard at work!

Here we are into July and the heavy lifting was starting to happen.

We invited our daughter & family over for July 4th and put our SIL to work.  I'd rather cook than try lifting those wall frames.....lol!

I didn't get a good picture of the concrete tile roof, but The Man did that all himself.  We found the tile on Craig's List & it just happened to match the tile on our house, & we got it for a "song!"

Construction is coming right along, but this was August and I was only a "pleasant-natured" helper until about ten o'clock......lol!  Once the cement board was all installed, The Man (with his trusty sidekick who could only work until 10 am) started on the rock.

We were able to purchase this from a supplier who was getting rid of this particular brand, so it was less expensive.  I thought I had a picture of this process, but can't seem to find it.  Anyway, prior to beginning this installation, each section of the building had to be laid out on the ground in order to make all the odd shaped pieces work right together.  I was actually pretty good at getting a more random look than the "retired engineer".....lol!

Rather than keep you in suspense any longer, TA DA......here is the finished building!

I am so proud of The Man and how much hard work he put into creating this Garden Casita.

Aren't these doors gorgeous?  The Man designed and built them.
The barn door rails were about the most expensive part of the construction, but it's the 
perfect finishing touch.

I love the little window, too!

We have had friends say that if we put a bathroom in there, they would be happy to call it home!
Well, that might be true until they saw their first scorpion or black widow -- yikes!

The Man is still working on shelves and storage cabinets, so I won't show the inside just yet.

Just one more "gander!"  I have to say, it was well-worth the wait!

I like to party here:

Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Mondays
Leslie at House on the Way for Twirl & Take a Bow
Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Jody & Stan at Rooted in Thyme for Simple and Sweet Fridays 
Amanda at Serenity Now for Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. That is the most beautiful garden shed I've ever seen! Your hubby did a beautiful job!


  2. That is absolutely beautiful! Sans scorpions and black widows of course:@)

  3. That is gorgeous. He did an awesome job. Can't wait to see the inside. Congrats on the new addition.

  4. Wow! It's fabulous...how cool that your hub did it himself. Jane

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and your sweet comment.


  5. I LOVE it and can't wait to see the inside!! I know you're so proud of your hubby! You're blessed to have such a handy hubby, too.

    1. Thank you so much, Susan. I know I am very blessed to have this wonderful man in my life.

  6. I love it and have been waiting for the reveal. What will you keep inside of it? The your man he did a wonderful job, it is so pretty just to look at and the doors and track are the best touch of all:)

  7. That is just beautiful! I love the stone and the gorgeous barn doors. That is the nicest garden house I've ever seen.

  8. Oh wow !
    What a beautiful job he did Cass...it's a work of art!
    I would only feel bad that know one can see it from the street.
    What a shame that is, because it's so pretty!

  9. Carol, your husband did an amazing job! It is beautiful and the barn doors are stunning! I can only imagine how much work it was in that Summer heat. Can't wait to see the inside!

  10. Very awesome! Love the doors! Is it a room or storage? I just visited my sister in Palm Desert and she calls her guest home a casita, it was so much fun to have our own private space! Your hubbie is very talented!

  11. How beautiful - love those doors!

  12. I agree with most of the people here, your casita rocks! it is gorgeous, could even be a guest house if you put in the right touches inside! Great job! I wish I had one of my own!

  13. Wow! Outstanding. Magnificent! I'm a tad jealous.

  14. Gorgeous. It looks amazing. Such a fabulous job. Hugs, Marty

  15. Wow Carol! That is gorgeous! You hubby did an amazing job! The doors are gorgeous and I would live there too if there was a bathroom! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

  16. WOW!! It's gorgeous! I love the stone work & the doors. Y'all are soooo talented!

  17. OMGosh! Your casita is amazing! I can't get over how beautiful the stonework is, and those sliding barn doors are knocking my socks off! :) Well done!
    I'm showing this to my husband. :)

  18. Wow! Your Garden Casita is absolutely fabulous! The walls are so cool and I love those sliding doors. What a great man you have there. :)

  19. I have no idea what this adorable building is used for....but it sure is a good looking structure. Love the doors...

  20. That is so awesome! I would love to have that in my back yard and what a great project! Thanks for the inspiration to help me make my not so lovely garden shed look nicer!

  21. Lucky you to have such a handy hubby! Love the stone and those barn doors!

  22. This is completely beautiful -- adore the doors!

  23. WOW! Amazing!! Fantastic job! I'm your newest follower.
    Jamie www.somuchbetterwithage.com

  24. So cute! Love the doors and the color he stained them.

    When you wrote, "I rather cook." I was confused, because I thought it is so freaking hot at that time of year. We have projects held up for the same reason, and if we don't get on them soon it will won't be until November.

  25. That's beautiful. Kuddos to your "man" and his sidekick for their hard work. what will you use that room for?Great job. Laura @Top This Top That

  26. Awesome Project. Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring post at Simple & Sweet Fridays.


  27. Oh Carol, I LOVE this rock!! I mean love it!! I remember the shed from the previous home, but not this one. I think he and I should team up whenever you show up to organize my house,lol, so be sure and bring him. I can't believe I missed this....prob one of those many times I was MIA from blogland.


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