
Can You Read It?

Hey everyone!  Maybe it's just me with older eyes, but I find some blog posts to be very difficult to read -- like too small, or too fancy a font, or too light a color & sometimes all the above.  That being said, I'm experimenting with a larger font-size but still using my old standby & traditional "Times" font.  I know some of you are just trying to make your posts stand out and be recognized by "the powers that be" who might bring you fame and glory, and I think that's wonderful and truly wish you much luck.  All I'm asking is, if it's too difficult for your average reader, will those people with super-busy schedules, deadlines and thousands of things to read actually take the time to read yours?  Please weigh-in.  Maybe I'm all wrong or just need stronger glasses.


  1. I'm with you -- I have stopped reading some blogs because of the font. Plain and readable beats fancy and illegible any day!

  2. I agree, so let me know too if I should change my font. I like this new font and size your using, easier to read and also the white background. :-)

    1. Thanks for responding, Vel. Your font-size seems just a bit small to me everything else is just fine. Now, I have a question. You have no reply on your email, so if I reply the way I'm doing right now, do you get that notification in some way? Could you let me know? Otherwise I will just have to tack my responses to your comments onto your latest post.

  3. There are a few blogs I read that have now gone to a very small font and it's also lighter. I may have to quit reading them because my eyes get too strained. I've commented on a couple of them, but I don't want to come across as mean spirited.I really like your font size, the boldness and the white background.

  4. I've thought the same thing. Especially photos & I can't seem to make those larger. When I go to a blog that the font is small, I press down the ctrl key along with the + sign & it will make it larger and I move on. To take it back to regular size, I press ctrl key and the - sign. This happens a lot when I'm looking at parties & I tend to not be able to see the photos. I don't like white because of the glaring issue but I keep my laptop dimmed way down. Brightness tends to cause migraines and I deal with that enough already. I also find black very hard to read. Good luck with your changes.

    1. ctrl key and the plus sign
      ctrl key and the minus sign

  5. I can read it and I appreciate it! Made me go and check out mine, and I think it is ok. Will you go and see too??

  6. I use a large size font on my blog for the same reasons you mention. I probably do need stronger reading glasses, but I appreciate blogs which don't use tiny, hard-to-read fonts. Thanks!

  7. I'm glad you mentioned this, Carol. I just looked at my blog and I think my font is a little too small. What do you think? I just checked, and it's set at "small" size. I tried out "normal" and that seems a little better. What size do you have yours at? I already have several posts in draft, so I guess I'll leave them in the old size font, but from now on, I'll do my posts in the bigger size. Your font size looks fine like this. I don't have any problems reading it. I'm so glad you posted about this! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I agree! I was playing around with my background awhile back and it got stock on a red background with white lettering! There was no changing it....just awful and impossible to read! Fortunately...and I don't know how or why....I was able to fix it the other day. Phew! Jane

  9. Hi, Carol! I have the same problem when reading some blogs, I thought it was just me. :) I use large font when writing mine and even then, sometimes I wonder if it is big enough. Great post!

  10. This is such a good point! I am always wondering that about my blog?? Yours is great BTW!! Cheers.


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!