
I'm Getting There!

Hey everyone!  Wow, it's been awhile since I posted, and you know what that means, right?  Yes, I've been up to my eyebrows in tinsel & glitter!  Since I'm not hosting Thanksgiving, I thought I'd go ahead and get a head-start on Christmas.  My goal is to be finished by Tuesday, but I have a ways to go.  Anyway, I thought I'd share just a little of what I have gotten finished.  I almost always start in the kitchen since that seems to be where I spend most of my time.  I'm not showing everything yet, because I still have some tweaking to do.  Do you have something to drink?  Good, then let's get started!

I really like to get all of the areas above the cabinets finished first -- really don't like being on the tall ladder!


Just Some Randomness or Maybe It's Rambling, You Be the Judge!

Hey everyone!  Do you ever have a day where your mind just doesn't want to settle on one thing?  Well, silly me,  I'm talking to Bloggers, and our minds are always juggling a gazillion different things, right?  Right!  Some days are just worse than others, let's put it that way.

Celebrating Our Veterans

A big "Thank You" to all who have served and to those who are still serving to keep 
our country safe.
Veterans Day Stock Photo - 9297847 
With respect and gratitude to all of you!


It's a Birthday!

Hey everyone!  Someone special is celebrating a birthday today, and her name is Phoebe.  Phoebe is our fourth grandchild, and she is ten years old today!  Where-oh-where has the time gone?

We went from this cherub to ........

This young beauty in the blink of an eye -- or so it feels!

But, there were a few years in between!

Phoebe is one very "special" girl. 
She is very smart & excels in school.
She is artistic and loves to draw and craft.
She is dramatic and fun-loving -- you should see her with a karaoke machine!
She is very unique -- the only grandchild with brown eyes & olive skin (like her Daddy).
And if these aren't enough, Phoebe is just the sweetest little girl and is a terrific "big sister."

Phoebe is a wonderful little girl -- an absolute joy to be with.  Her Boppa (The Man) calls her "Face."  Why?  Well, just look at these photos!  

Nana & Boppa love you so much!


A Harvest Party!

Hey everyone!  A little party took place at my home last night, and it was truly a wonderful experience.  I belong to a women's group here in our neighborhood, and we meet once a month just for fellowship and what we loosely refer to as a "meeting."  The meeting part is usually just to plan an activity or an outing, but the fellowship-part is our main focus -- well, seriously, that's the fun-part!  Normally, we meet at The Ranch House (one of our club houses), but I invited everyone to my home this month, and that took place last night.  I just thought I'd share a glimpse around just before everyone got here.

Everything was aglow to light the path to the front door.


Amish Friendship Bread

Hey everyone!  Have any of you ever made Amish Friendship Bread?  Has a "friend" ever offered you "The Starter," but maybe you thought it was too much work?  Well, I'm here to tell you, it is not difficult and makes a wonderful bread with tons of variations.  I have "starter" that a neighbor in our previous home-town passed on to me over five years ago.  Over the years, I have probably passed on "starter" to at least fifty people.  I just love that concept, don't you?  Anyway, I have been a busy "baking bee" the last couple of weeks, using Friendship Bread starter that I had frozen -- yes, you can freeze it so you are not constantly baking bread if you don't want to do that!  It is so much fun to get the starter from a friend, but I realize that is not always possible; so HERE is a link to a recipe for the starter itself.

Don't these look scrumptious? 

No! No! I Won't Let You Go!

Hey everyone!  I CANNOT believe Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is looming just around the corner, and then it will be the "mad Christmas dash!"  Since we are getting into that time of year for present wrapping frenzy, I thought I would share a little something that happened totally by accident; but, of course you need some background.

The picture below is our Christmas kitchen in our previous home.  We had completely gutted and remodeled the kitchen in 2004 -- new cabinets, Corian countertops, new stainless appliances, & hardwood floors.  You can see that complete transformation HERE.  I had always wanted an island, but we just weren't sure if the space would allow it, so we waited.  The Man said we could add one if I decided the space would work.  Well, we just happened to be browsing through Crate n'Barrel one time when we were in the big city (Scottsdale) & discovered the PERFECT island.