
Littliest Miss Turned "3"

Hey everyone!  I'm very late in posting about this very special birthday, but better late than never, right?  Right!  Cannot believe this little charmer has been in our lives for three years now.  Avery is an absolute delight -- funny, sweet, happy and quite the daredevil!  

And did I mention how adorably cute she is?  Well, seriously, just look at her!  Am I a prejudiced Nana?  Not in a million!

Short sleeves and barefoot -- that's how we roll February 1st in Arizona!  

I created this little bag as part of her present and filled it with the sunglasses, bangles, rings & other girlie stuff!

The little denim purse was something I picked up at Michael's years ago & just needed to decorate it up a bit.  It was quite the hit!

Love the bangles, and those glasses are a riot!

Mom made her cake, of course!  Those are fondant animals decorating the top and sides.

I think big Sis was just about as excited as Avery!

This was a pizza party with all of their neighbors & kids invited.  Our son was manning the pizza oven and Ally was trying to wrangle about ten 3 to 5 year olds in a game of musical chair.  It was hilarious.  I'm not sharing pics of anyone else's children since I don't know how their parents would feel about that.  Take my word for it, a fun-time was had by all!  It certainly reminds us "elders" why we had children when we were young......lol!


  1. Grand Children's birthday parties are SO much fun! She is a cutie for sure:) So glad you are able to enjoy your grandkiddos!!!!

  2. Oh, goodness...cuteness multiplied. You must be so in love and proud! :)


  3. Happy Birthday to the Little Beautiful Lady!

  4. What a lovely little lady! Looks like she had a blast at her party. Love her new purse.

  5. What a cutie pie! I bet she loves the denim purse! You always think of the cutest and most creative gift ideas. And, oh my that cake looks delish!!

  6. Happy Birthday to Miss Avery! She is TOO cute, and with her new Nana- tweaked purse, she is surely going to be the trendiest little lady in town!


  7. Avery is absolutely adorable. Happy Birthday to her. Love her little outfit and all the accessories. Too cute!


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Make this a great day!