
Signing Off For a Bit

Hey everyone!  Just popping in to let you know I'm taking a bit of a blogging vacay!  You know how sometimes you just reach that point when your mojo is lagging or other things in life need more of your attention.....well, a combo of those is where I'm at right now.  In this wonderful age of "electronic-heaven" and social media, I find it so beneficial to just "unplug" for awhile.

I've got some reading material that many of you have been talking about, and I'm really looking forward to reading this book.  I've been following Melissa for awhile now, and find her to be so upfront and honest about whatever she shares on her blog.

Love the Home You Have Book - The Inspired Room - Melissa Michaels

One last thing before I officially sign off -- there was a neighborhood Block Party on our street last night to help everyone get better acquainted.  It was so much fun!  We may or may not have been the "elders" at the party, but it didn't matter.  Adults were far out-numbered by kiddos, ranging in age from 15 down to 6 months (you'd better believe I got some snuggling with that one)!  Super-nice & very polite kiddos who kind of liked my contribution of these Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Brownies.  I made a triple batch, The Man & I each had one, and there were no leftovers.....now that is the best way to deal with Brownies!

Okay folks, not sure when I'll be returning, but I hope to be fully relaxed and re-charged when I do.  Don't have too much fun without me.....oh, okay, have a blast!


  1. All I'm going to say is: Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! And, I've not heard of Melissa Michaels, I'll have to find her! Blessings, Cindy

  2. That book is fabulous, you will enjoy it. Have a great break.

  3. Enjoy your break - and the book! I have been taking a bit of a break myself. It's amazing how much I have gotten done when I don't think about writing...not sure if that's good or bad!
    Take care! Shelley

  4. Take care and enjoy yourself, Carol.

  5. Carol, enjoy your away time and we'll all be here for you when you come back.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. How wonderful Carol! I'm happy for you as you seem to know just how you want to spend your time away from blogging. I am thinking the same thing.
    I think I need time away too, specially for exercising and my DD Alex and her fiancé are coming from Spain where she resides now. Therefore, who knows how busy I will be!
    Enjoy your time dear friend and many blessings..


  7. Enjoy your time away, Carol. It is always good to recharge when you feel the old battery running down. xo Diana

  8. Oh those brownies! I want some!!!!

  9. Have a good break Carol! We will miss you!

  10. Carol I am enjoying following along with your travels via IG!:)

  11. I've been seeing some of the fun you've been doing Carol! Enjoy!


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!