
Kitchen Gone Fallin'

Hey everyone!  I hope this is going to be a beautiful week with lots more "Fall" weather and fun inspirations.  Today I want to share my kitchen all dressed for Fall.  Before I get started with that, I just want to report that I've had a very good week, and I'm preparing myself to start Round 2 of chemotherapy on Monday.  I'm a bit apprehensive, because I don't know what the side-effects might be for me.  I promise to do an update a day or two in, and let you know how things are going.  I truly appreciate all of the kindnesses and prayers I've received from so many of you....you are simply the best!  Now, enough about me!  Let's take a look at what's been going on in my kitchen!

Just to the right of the open doorway going into the kitchen, is a spot that is so much fun to decorate.  I used to have a chalkboard just under the shelf, but moved it to make way for my growing collection of aprons.  I have several more, but like to switch them out by season and/or color.

The shelf is now holding a large blue mason jar vase filled with Japanese lantern picks and the drop cloth pumpkins that I made a couple of years ago.

I love creating a vignette for the island!

Most of the dishes are from Walmart, several years ago.  The big clear jug is from the 80% off section of HL this past summer.  The leafy stems & berry stems are from Michaels, last year.

I love using these dishes mixed with my FiestaWare.

This candle smells so good!

I seem to have an obsession with trays to contain things.....makes clean-up so much easier!

All of the turquoise items are from World Market and have been purchased over the last couple of years.  To the left, I have filled a clear pumpkin cookie jar with oatmeal packets.....my new favorite breakfast!

This is to the left of the sink.

This was a free download, but I cannot remember where I got it....sorry!

I love filling these apothecary jars with seasonal goodies!  The plate was from HL last year, and the owl was from World Market, last year.

This is my menu planning area with my cookbooks in the cupboard just to the left.  This is my old laptop that I use just for Pinterest recipes.

I simply added the bright orange ribbon and a burlap flower to dress up the lampshade for Fall.

I updated the coffee/beverage station to include my favorite tea and some hot chocolate fixins'!

I like to keep things simple on our breakfast table lazy-susan, since we use it every day.  

I put this together in just a quick few minutes using one of my chalkboard chargers (I made those several years ago) and some greenery & berries I had on hand.  This is hanging just above my sink.

I'm still lovin' my pompom wreath that I made last year, and it's hanging in exactly the same spot on the pantry door.

Hope you enjoyed the Fall touches in my kitchen.  They certainly do make me smile.  Thanks so much for stopping by.....you are always welcome here!

I often party with these lovely bloggers:

Cindy at Dwellings--The Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Mondays

Maria Elena at Our Home Away from Home for Tuesdays at Our Home
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Inspire Me Tuesday

Suzy at Worthing Court for The Scoop
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Before and After Wednesday

Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday

Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Anything Blue Friday


  1. First of all I just love your kitchen splashback!!! I love the orange pop of color throughout your kitchen...it's a sure sign of Fall!!! Hope your next round with chemo will be a breeze!!! Hugs!!!

  2. I love every little detail Carol and am so anxious to do a little fall decorating here! It is finally cooling off a little and I am ready to drag my stuff out of the shed. Hopefully one afternoon this week! I am mixing my aqua and turquoise in with my fall decor too and can't wait to see it come together. Have a blessed week. Prayers my friend!

  3. What a fun and pretty Fall kitchen. I love each vignette and all the many displays
    around your lovely kitchen. I think Fall is the prettiest time of year because of it's color hues and warmth.

  4. Hi Carol! I love it all - everything! What sweet and pretty little Fallen vignettes you've put together! I'll be praying for you tomorrow as you start your treatments again. Take care.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Fall looks like FUN in your kitchen, Carol. I love the bright, happy feel of it all. I am praying that Round #2 is not so bad..that you don't have terrible side effects and that you just sail through chemo. There are people that do and my friend just sailed through hers without too many side effects---except her hair and some problems eating some food. It really threw her taste buds off. 10 or 11 years for her and she is cancer free! Praise God---praying the same for you!!!! xo Diana

  6. Hi Carol,
    So glad to hear you had a good week. Will start praying now about your 2nd, I am sure anybody would be apprehensive about any of this..........especially since it is all new and uncharted territory,and so sorry you are having to go thru this hon, and do keep us posted, so we know
    how to pray.

    I enjoyed all your decorations and my fav is your vignette on your island, it really looks so nice there. Yea, I have become more tray oriented too..........and it really does make it easier when you have to dust or move it for any reason. Your home looks very festive and pretty, and hope it
    brings you lots of cheer over the next weeks.

    Take care hon,
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  7. I love the Japanese lantern pics! I don't think I've ever seen those before and they're perfect for fall! I'm also very impressed with your drop cloth pumpkins. Drop cloth is so versatile, isn't it? And don't even get me started on my love for trays...you're so right about them making clean up so much easier. I'll be saying a few extra prayers for you this week. Sending you lots of love, hugs, prayers, and well wishes. xoxo

  8. Carol, your kitchen looks fantastic for fall. I really like that you've kept the blue in there and all the apothecary jars too.

    I'm going to backtrack and read about the need for chemotherapy. Many prayers for you.

  9. So much fall prettiness! Love the pops of aqua! And I just adore the rooster apron and super cute wreath on the pantry door! Just said a prayer, hope your chemo goes well and the side effects are nil! Take care! ~Rhonda

  10. So pretty & bright! Praying round 2 is easy peasy!

  11. Your kitchen is so pretty and colorful! Prayers for your healing and that all goes well. God Bless.
    Joanne @ Sea Glass Cottage

  12. Carol, your fall decor is just so pretty. I love the Japanese Lanterns...they make such wonderful and colorful arrangements. So glad to hear you are feeling well and I hope you breeze right through this next bout of treatment!

  13. I love your kitchen decor, Carol, especially the aqua. It looks very fresh! :)

  14. Good Morning Carol!
    I love your happy Fall decor and the combination of aqua and orange, what a breezy and energetic combination of some of my favorite colors.
    I also love that you are continuing to feel strong, my caring thoughts and prayers continue to embrace you.

  15. Everything looks wonderful, Carol! I am hoping that Monday went well and the side effects were non existent!! Fingers crossed and sending hugs!

  16. That orange and turquoise popped right off the screen at me. It looks amazing together Carol. What a happy fall kitchen you have created.

  17. Beautifully done!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  18. F-all so lovely! So hard to pick a fave, but that demijohn with the branches is just spectacular!


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