
And All the Rest

Hey everyone!  I think most of you will agree with me, this month seems to be passing at warp speed!    I cannot believe that Christmas is just a few days away.  Anyway, I have a few more pics from around our home that I wanted to share.  I must warn you, this is photo-heavy, so you might want to grab a cup of something and a couple of cookies.....you know, for survival!

We will start with the family room.

I should have had a roaring fire for you....oops!

This little tree is decked out with some of our family faves.

Little wooden ornaments with family pics.

Several little wooden ornies that we picked up in Europe.

One of my favorite snowmen.

This is our advent calendar this year.....actually, I haven't done an advent calendar since my children were young.  While in HL one day, I spotted these cute little envelopes and a picture of how I could create an advent calendar banner just sprang to life.

Since we won't be seeing our kids or kidlets this year, I thought it would be fun to surround ourselves with their sweet faces.  Even The Man enjoys seeing whose cute face shows up each day!

The NOEL that I made for the kitchen window last year, found a new location.  Faux greenery, candles wrapped in sheet music that I printed on velum, a few nutcrackers & some bright ornaments complete the mantel display. 

The Man got this pillow cover in Peru last year....not a Christmas scene, but it's bright, cheerful and plays off the black and white pillows quite nicely!

This cactus is a good fifteen years old & blooms at least twice a year.  The last time I repotted it, the root ball broke into two pieces that now bloom at different times.

We've already had blooms around Thanksgiving, and now she is ready to bestow her beauty on us once again.

I was the lucky recipient of a give-away that my sweet friend Cindy, at Consider It All Joy, had a couple of weeks ago.  As you can see, there are 2 adorable kitchen towels, a little snowman on top of a JOY sign, a sweet nativity pin and a lovely tiny frame with an angel.  It was so much fun when this arrived in the mail.  Cindy had each of the items wrapped individually and included a lovely card.
Thanks again, Cindy!

You may recall that I used this metal piece with pics of my "Grands," displayed in my Fall foyer.  Well, I left the pics as is, added some Christmas tags and a red pompom garland, and it is now displayed on my craft room door.  It may have found a permanent home!

This quilted wall hanging that I made many years ago, found a good spot on the guest room door.

We aren't having any over-night guests for awhile, but I still wanted to add some Christmas cheer!

Simple as simple can be in the guest bathroom.

There you have it!  I hope you survived the pic overload!  It's always so much fun to invite all of you into my home, and I truly hope it's enjoyable for you as well.

Take care, stay warm (or cool depending on what part of the country you live in) and cozy with your families, and try not to stress out too much these last few days before Christmas!

Warm hugs,
 I often party with these lovely bloggers:

Cindy at Dwellings--The Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Inspire Me Tuesday
Suzy at Worthing Court for The Scoop
Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday


  1. Very pretty, Carol! I love all the family photos. Merry Christmas and I hope the new year brings you much happiness and good health!!
    xxoo Shelley

  2. Everything looks so pretty. Merry Christmas and Blessing for the new year.

  3. Everything looks great Carol. That photo calendar is ingenious. What a great way to see your family every day!! It's like a new visit each morning!! :)

  4. Love all the beautiful Christmas accents in your home, Carol! The advent calendar is such a pretty idea and I love that Peruvian pillow cover :) Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a New Year that brings you many happiness and good health! Warm hugs, Poppy

  5. Cozy decor, Carol! I love your advent wreath, especially given the kids & grands won't be around. It's the next best thing. Your little dish towels are adorable - just the thing to perk you up! Here's hoping you enjoy the moments and days that you feel good, and flow with those that may not be so grand. Merry Christmas.

  6. Love your idea with the advent calendar! I can't believe you've had that cactus for so long! How neat that it still blooms for you. Enjoy this week before Christmas!

  7. Carol,

    Your home looks so beautiful! I took pics tonight of our living room 10 minutes before we made a fire! lol! But who cares. I love your advent banner, what a wonderful idea.

    It's been back and forth with the temps here in the upper Midwest and we've only had a light sprinkling of snow twice. Not the norm but who knows. January and February are the worst months.

    Love and many wishes for a very Merry Christmas!

    Jane x

  8. I bought a Christmas Cactus last year. It's much smaller than yours but it's full of blooms. I plan to repot it. Does it matter what time of the year I do that? How often do you water yours?

  9. Carol...I love everything about your lovely decorations! I have a cactus exactly the same color in my office window...and like yours, it blooms a couple of times a year. If I took it home, I have no doubt it would die :) Merry Christmas to you!

  10. Oh Carol! Everything looks absolutely fabulous! I really love the Advent Calendar. Genius to add pictures to the back and turn them around each day. So fun! You have a beautiful and welcoming home. I hope you are doing well. I know you are counting down the treatments. Prayers for you and yours, Vicky

  11. Carol,
    So pretty and festive!!Thanks once again for stopping by and being so kind !!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!


  12. Your home is beautiful, Carol! I love the truck, the colorful tree and most of all the advent calendar, what a beautiful idea! I love how it doubles as a garland on the mantel, pretty!


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