
Who You Know and What They Do!

Hey everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!  We were suppose to have company for Easter dinner, but my friend got very sick a couple days earlier, so she and her hubby couldn't make it.  I feel so badly for her....what started out as a bad sinus infection is now accompanied by Shingles!  Yes, you heard me right!  Candy and her hubby traveled here in their motor home for a couple of months of fun in the sun, and now she just wants to get well enough to go home.  Please keep her in your prayers and positive thoughts.

I've been entertained this morning with pics of the antics of my two youngest granddaughters.  They live in VA and last week was their Spring Break.  Our son and family spent the week in CA, having some (a lot) fun and also narrowing down a search for where they want to live....yes, lucky us will have them a whole lot closer when they move in June!  Insert "Happy Dance" here!  Anyway, I'm doing the typical Nana-thing with photos and some bragging; and of course, I think you should all agree with me that they are truly "Super-Cute!"  Just kidding....no, NOT KIDDING!  Oh well, you be the judge.

See, I told you they were super-cute!

Best way to view daddy's new office!

Already has the "Beach Babe" hair!

I'm not quite sure how these two "Gangsta-Sistas" passed White House security......

 But here they are for the second year in-a-row at The White House Easter Egg Roll!

Daddy is the Chef for one of the restaurants, SweetGreen, selected as a food vendor for this event....so it really is all about who you know and what they do!  Even better when that 
special person is your daddy!

Thank you so much for stopping by and allowing me to do some Momma & Nana-bragging.  Hope you have a wonderful week!

Warm hugs,


  1. How fun! Now that's the way to do Easter!!! :)

  2. They are cuties. What fun getting in on the action of the White House.

  3. I can confirm they definitely are super cute!!! Such sweet grands! And the Easter egg roll? Wow! How neat! So glad they'll be closer to you in June! I know that makes your heart very happy! Sending prayers to your friend, Candy too. Poor thing! xoxo

  4. Oh, yes! They are super cute! :) I am glad they will be closer to you all soon. xxx Maria

  5. Oh wow! How cool is that?! Your grand girls are just darling and wonderful it is that they will be closer! Closer is always good! Sorry to hear about your friend...I hear shingles is really horrible...hope she recovers soon. Hugs!

  6. How fun! And good news they'll be moving closer to you!

  7. They are getting so big and cute as ever!! That's wonderful for your son and family. How awesome that they will be a little closer. Now I really want to come for dinner as I am pretty sure the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. So sorry for your dear friend. Hope she heals quickly.


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