
Procrastination, Projects & a Much-Needed Bloggy Break

Hey everyone!  I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend and got to spend it with the people you love and cherish.  We had a quiet and very relaxing weekend.  Our children each sent sweet cards (and special notes) and called....love those phone calls!

This sweet, sweet man made my day extra special.

ULTA is now carrying Clinique products, and of course, fragrances were the big item
for Mother's Day.  The Man knows how much I love Clinique's Happy, and the store had this tote bag and matching clutch as a "gift with purchase."  YAY for me!  This tote is huge, and the inside is the color of the clutch.....mint is so pretty!  This man of mine has been bringing me flowers every few weeks "just because," but this time was extra special.  He got several bundles, so I had enough to do two nice bouquets!

The Man really likes Irises!  So do I!

This sweet man took me out to dinner, too...my fave is BJ's Brew House.

Roasted salmon with quinoa and veggies....this is SO GOOD!

I seem to be having difficulty staying focused and balancing my health, family, and projects.  Health has to be my priority.  When you reach my age, you really start to see that it takes much longer to recover from the common cold, let alone the big "bombs" that get dropped in your lap.  Until 3 weeks ago, just walking around a grocery store was a lot of exercise for me, and I required a nap afterwards!  Now I'm pushing a bit harder.

Yep, I'm back to the M-F gym time....very slow going, but I'm doing it!  The first week, I could not do more than 20 minutes.  This week, I've been doing 45!

Procrastination has been keeping me company way more than I want to admit.  I've been spending a lot of time in my "Happy Place," but more often than not, I find myself sitting in that far corner at my laptop....reading, pinning, pinning, pinning, checking & answering email, more pinning -- okay, you get the picture!  Simply put....PROCRASTINATION!

I do truly love spending time in this room, but I look around and see that I have so many scrapbooking and paper-crafting projects that I want to do, and......

Plenty of sewing-quilting projects all lined up & ready to go.

PROCRASTINATOR is not who I want to be!  It's not who I am!  I'm a DOER, but I simply do not have the energy to do everything.  The biggest "time-stealer" and "energy-zapper" for me is blogging.    I know, some of you are gasping that I would say such a thing, and others are nodding your heads in understanding.  So many of you have become such sweet, kind and caring friends; and I cannot bear the thought of not staying in touch with you.  I do, however, plan to take a "blog break" to, hopefully,  re-energize for my family and for doing some projects, too.  I'll still be around, reading some posts and responding, but not participating in the many fun parties that are going on.  Maybe I'll have some fun and interesting things to post about after I actually get some things accomplished!

Some family members don't really care how much you procrastinate, as long as you 
have time for them.

Hmmm....this is one such example.  Abby is such a little "scene-stealer."

When she needs some lap time, she just takes it!  Do you remember when you would try to sneak off to the bathroom, but your little ones always found you?  Apparently, cats got the memo on that one!
Abby has been very "needy" lately and stays close to me most of the day.  She's so sweet, I don't really mind.

Besides sewing, quilting, scrapbooking & paper crafts, I also have a number of crochet
 projects in-the-works.

Hmmm.....yet another project.  That's a lot of IKEA frames, & I'm super-excited about the special gallery wall where these will be used!

This will be my last post for awhile.  I don't know for how long, but don't think you can sneak anything big past me.....I will still be lurking in the shadows!  Eeek, that sounded kind of creepy, but you know what I mean.  You do, right?

Warm hugs,


  1. Last year was a really big "Bomb", so you just take as much time as you need and get rested and back to where you feel good. Spend the summer playing and relaxing, that sounds perfect. I will continue to keep you in prayer.

  2. Hmmm...I posted about procrastination yesterday (but work related). Maybe it's just in the air, because I'm usually not a procrastinator! Anyway, you do deserve some time to recover and recoup the time lost to treatment last year. You know that I'm continuing to pray for you and Rick. Share your completed projects when you have time and energy! Praying about the kids move as well! Blessings to you dear friend, Cindy xo

  3. Take care of yourself, Carol. You have had such a difficult year already, it is only right to take a little time to catch up. Enjoy yourself! xoxo Maria

  4. Everybody needs a break every now and then, Carol. I think it's healthy to step away from the computer and enjoy real life for long periods of time. I should be doing that myself. Lately, I have been stepping away on the weekends...no computer at all...and it feels wonderful!! Enjoy your break!

  5. I totally understand and I'll miss ya...or maybe I will see you on facebook. If I had a craft room that lovely, I'd stay in it all day until my back hurt :) Have a wonderfully relaxing break, my friend!

  6. I'll miss your posts but totally understand. I tried participating in the parties and stuff when I first began blogging, but realized it took up too much time. Working full time outside the home and doing everything for the home too leaves me with little time for extras. I do enjoy posting occasionally to stay in tough with all my friends (you included) and love to read blog posts by my friends. Sometimes I don't get to do that as often as I would like. Anywho, I totally enjoyed this sweet post. Enjoy your break and enjoy spending time with that sweet hubby of yours. See ya soon!

    Hugs, Vicky

  7. The most important thing is to take care of YOU! When you are refreshed, we will all be here. xoxo

  8. Everyone needs a little blog break every now and then. It gets overwhelming at times and you're smart to realize that and step away. Enjoy doing the things you love and come back whenever you're ready. By the way, the Man did a wonderful job celebrating you for Mother's Day!

  9. Oh my...I love Happy too! Such a fresh scent. I laughed about the comment of sneaking off to the bathroom. How I remember those days. Looks like you had a fantastic and well deserved Mother`s Day! Enjoy your break Carol. Take care and see ya soon!! xoxo

  10. You certainly deserve to take a break. Your health is #1. Hope to see you back with lots of new finished projects. Enjoy your summer and take good care

  11. I just went to BJ's Sunday for lunch with a friend. It looks like you had a great Mother's Day! Glad to see you're getting back to your workouts. It's so hard once you've had to take a break!

  12. Good Morning Carol,
    Going through what you have been through is an eye opening experience.
    All of a sudden the things that seemed so important you find out really are not.
    So, enjoy your break and focus on your health and the joys in life that fulfill you, nourishing you and inspire you.
    Thinking of you always and sending peace and continued healing your way.


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!