
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Where has 2016 gone?  It just seems to have jetted by, except for the endless days of "politics"...lol!  As much as I try (and usually with success) to live in the moment, Thanksgiving always brings with it a feeling of melancholy.  I find myself missing those days of trying to stuff a turkey with a baby on my hip, creating all those wonderful foods to share with our family.  I miss those days of "helping" to orchestrate that delicious meal while a grandchild slept on my lap.  Yes, I miss those gatherings, but understand that lives change, and I must change with them in order to bring happiness into our home of "just the two of us."  I am truly happy and very thankful for all that I have, knowing that the past, both the good and the not-so, have brought me to this day.

I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!  If you are traveling, please travel safely.

Warm hugs to all,


  1. Beautifully put, Carol. It is odd how our lives change, isn't it? We start out as two- end up with families grown and gone- and back to just two again. God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving. xo Diana

  2. I identify with your feelings. I'm not good with change. I revisit the past quite a lot. Even with the grand kids springing up left and right, I miss being the mother of babies!

    Thanksgiving is bittersweet as are all holidays as far as I'm concerned. I do sift out the goodness and thankfulness and God knows, Carol, you have SO much!!!

    Love ya!


  3. Hi Carol,
    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving hon,
    The life of us empty nesters can be quite a mixed bag sometimes and I think it is
    hard when we don't get to see our chicklets for holidays, and I think that is
    normal to miss them, but you also have a great perspective as there is always
    something to be thankful for..........
    We had our Thanksgiving dinner wed. nite, as our children have to leave early afternoon on Thanksgiving day, so we will have a brunch tomorrow, so there is
    always changes and adjustments and flexibility needed, for sure.

    Happy Thanksgiving hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. xxx Maria

  5. Bless you and your family Carol. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Carol, I have been out of blogland so long but so thankful to have found you again. You were always such a wonderful encouragement for me. I do relate to the melancholy of the holidays so well but I am practicing living thankfully! Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

  7. I sure can relate to this post Carol! I tend to feel like this for most holidays. I have to make a conscious effort to bring myself back to the "now" enjoy what I have instead of missing what is gone. Not easy for me, but I continue to work on it.
    I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
    Take care

  8. I just loved your heartfelt words here Carol. I can relate in many ways. I pray you are doing well. Enjoy this beautiful Christmas season!

    Hugs, Vicky


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