
Someone Got a New Bed

Ya'll know how those of us with "furry" members in our families can get a little "nutty" about them.  Well, no exception here.  After our sweet little Buffy died, I really wasn't sure I wanted another kitty, but The Man was kind of insistent that we at least be open to the idea & made frequent trips to our local Humane Society.  When I finally relented to the idea, I told The Man that we needed to have things for the kitten nursery.  I didn't want to bring home a baby & not be prepared, right?  So, off to PetsMart we went.  Got the usual toys, litter box, etc., and then I saw this cute little hooded bed that was all lined with faux sheep skin.  It would be perfect for keeping our new baby nice and warm.  Abby has loved that bed since Day 1 & it even travels to the kennel where we board her when we are traveling.

Here she is all snuggled inside.  She likes having it partially covered to keep out some of the light & make it even warmer.  Well, I have to tell you that 5+ years of constant "kitty-ishness" in that bed had made it pretty gross.  The Man would take it & vacuum it with the shop vac, but I didn't see how she could be without it long enough to wash & let it air dry.  We considered replacing it, but the company no longer made this kind.  Big dilemma, right?

Well, while on a run to PetsMart for food, I discovered this.  All pink & fuzzy & soft, just perfect!  Ya'll also have to know that Abby does not do change very well.  Maybe all cats are extreme creatures of habit, I don't know;  but our Little Miss certainly is one.  So we weren't sure if she would even like the new bed.

We brought it in & put it right beside the old one.  Abby immediately came & proceeded to give it the old "sniff" test from back to front & top to bottom.......

and inside, too.  This was repeated several times, ya know, just incase some other kitty had set paws inside.

The final result was a big "paws up" & a look that queried the question "Why did it take you guys so long to get me a new bed?"

Yep, kitty-life around here is pretty darn sweet!  Oh, by-the-way, I did wash the old one & it is now air-drying.  It will be our backup & for sure the one that goes to the kennel.

Hope you enjoyed a glimpse into kitty parenting around here.  Hope you come by again soon.
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  1. If my furry babies saw this, they'd be jealous! They have their open beds but are now too big for the box & tent I bought for them when I brought them home. Guess I'll have to make a trip to PetSmart soon to see what I can find! :-)

  2. Hi!

    Thanks for stopping by the Over 40 Bloggers I added your blog to the list!!

    Thanks for joining the party!

    Hope you get lots of followers from it! Including me!! Please follow me back if you haven’t done so already!!

    Be sure to come by on Sunday night for the Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop!

    Have a great day!!

  3. That is so cute! Thanks Cas for joining me this week. Have fun. XO

  4. Cas,
    I made the mistake of allowing my gang to see the new kitty bed and now I am hearing all sorts of meowing sounds, sort of the ones that say, "we want a new bed like this one, all furry and soft". It would bust my bank to buy 13, I'd better learn to knit or something. The bed is beautiful but the one who is in it is even more!

  5. This is such a great post. We have three cats so I know exactly how they can be!Both of those beds are adorable. I think I will have to check on these for our cats.

  6. so cute! my cat never uses ANY of the houses we got her!

  7. Abby looks so cozy in her new bed. I love it! Pink and fuzzy how can you beat this. I am your newest follower.

  8. How adorable! Love all the pinkness and softness.


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