
Trying Something New

Just discovered this blog today and thought it would be fun to give it a try.  So I am linking to:

Meet Me On Monday


1.  What are you wearing right now?

I'm actually in better attire than usual for this time of night.  I have on my exercise capris, a t-shirt, my socks & z-coils, a hooded zip-front sweatshirt jacket.  
But, shhhh.....no boob containers.  Sorry, but it's true!

2.  Do you have any freckles?

I could say yes, but that would be a complete denial of the fact that they are age spots.

3.  What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?

I really like the pineapple ones, but it's been so long since I've had a lifesaver that I'm not sure they even still have that flavor.  Oh, good grief, now I'm gonna have to buy me some LIFESAVERS just to see if they still have pineapple!

4.  What is the last movie you saw in the theater?

True Grit and I loved it.  I love westerns, but they don't make too many good ones anymore.  True Grit was very well done.

5.  Would you rather live without tv or without music?

I think I could live without TV as long as I had my laptop so I could blog.  I put music on first thing in the morning, but the TV doesn't go on until hubby gets home from work.

I'm looking forward to seeing the results from this post.  This sounds like fun & I can't wait to see what others have to say.  Thanks to anyone who might stop for a look.


  1. Cute blog.
    I laughed about the age spots. I have BOTH!!!!
    newest follower
    come on over to my place:

  2. This was fun! I haven't seen this Monday Meme! I'll have to check it out although I'd have to repeat your answer about the Freckles...LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by my Alphabe-Thursday post on the the Letter T. I'm still catching up on visits. Come again, soon. Enjoyed my visit....Sue

  3. Nice to meet you...the age spots got a giggle. So true.

  4. Hi there- new follower on meet me on monday. please come over to


  5. I'm your newest follower from MMOM!
    I have freckles, but when they started to look funny on my hands and arms, I went to the doctor's. I have very fair skin and have burned repeatedly all my life - I was worried about skin cancer, ya know? Well, concealing a smile, the doctor informed me they were age spots! Ah, well, I guess they're better on the hands than a big, old splotch on my forehead, righ?
    Glad you're joining MMOM - I love it! Stop by when you get a chance:

  6. If you could compare the new True Grit to the old version with John Wayne, which one is better? I've not seen the new one yet.
    Have a great week!

  7. I'm the same way with turning music on first thing in the morning. We don't turn the t.v. on here until after work. When my dad comes to visit he loves the t.v. on ALL the time. Drives me nuts. *lol*

  8. Your new header looks great! I'm so happy you and Vicky were able to work together for such a terrific outcome.

    - The Tablescaper


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Make this a great day!