
Again With the New Stuff -- Wordless Wednesday

Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments on the new blog header.  I think I've got the other colors where I want them now, so it should be staying like this--until next time.  Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talkin' about, because I've learned pretty quickly how MOST bloggers think.  Just sayin'.

 Now onto Wordless Wednesday.

I'm linking to:

Wordless Wednesday-Never Growing Old


  1. Oh I can tell you are enjoying that new baby so much! What a sweet picture of the two of you. I love your new header too!

  2. Thriving header as well the darling baby !

  3. Now that is a precious (new) thing! What an angel!

    BTW, your header looks fab!

  4. AWWW, sweet baby! Love your new look. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Hey Cas, I've got something for you over @ LazyonLoblolly

  6. Hi Cas! Thanks for stopping by and for the comments on my tablescape, glad you liked it. We really did have a bit of fun playing "what's on the table" the other night and of course the ace of spades won! LOL! This picture is precious, I can just see the joy and adoration you feel by the way you are looking and holding this precious new little one! Love your header too, and by the way I am your newest follower now too! Been meaning to add you from your last posts but have been a bit out of it lately. Have a great weekend!

  7. That's sooooo adorably cute. It's making me all broody again!!

    And I LOVE your new header too.


  8. Hi Cas~thanks for dropping by my blog and becoming a follower! About the doll in Russia, I refunded her money. Didn't want to take a chance of her getting lost again. That's it for Russian mail for me :-).

  9. Hi Cas! Thanks so much for leaving such a nice comment about my rooster tablescape. I am glad that those little guys have worked their magic on you and make you smile!

    However, rooster smiles pale next to baby smiles! This picture is too precious and it made me smile.

    And I do LOVE your new header!


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!