
A Super Big Thank You!

Hey everyone!  I'm so excited & more than a little surprised to tell ya' that I just hit 150 followers!  That's a small drop-in-the-bucket for many, many of you;  but it's an AMAZING thing to me.  When I started this blog in late September '10, I had no illusions that it would be anything more than a simple place for me to write & vent as a kind of self-therapy.  I never truly expected anyone would care enough about what I had to say & share that they would want to follow along.  My very first post didn't receive any comments, but my second (on the same day) had four wonderful comments -- thank you Amy at All Things Home,   Michelle at Southern Somedays,  Marty at A Stroll Thru Life, & Traci at The Traci Chronicles for starting this journey on such a wonderfully positive note.  My very first follower was my darling DIL, Ally, who doesn't even have a blog, and my 150th follower is Janet at Craig's List Queen.  Thank you so much!

It's difficult to express just how much this experience has influenced my life.  I know that may sound melodramatic, but I was in a bit of a dark place when I began this blog.  But then, all-of-a-sudden, I was enveloped into this positive world of people who felt immediately like good friends.  I felt like I had a bunch of "sisters" of all ages who were here to cheer me on and cared about what I might want to share.

I've learned so much about decorating, organizing, thrifting, and I had never before used the term "tweaking" in my whole life.

I've discovered that I'm far from being the only "strange" person who starts decorating for Fall in September.

I've discovered the "fun of the hunt" at thrift stores, & what wonderful treasures there are to be had at GW.

I've discovered the art of "repurposing" & that "old junk" is now the "new chic."

I've discovered that wonderful creations can be made with simple things from the $Store.

I've discovered the best part of receiving catalog's from Pottery Barn, Horchow or Ballards is who, in blogland, is going to do a wonderful tutorial on recreating one of their "expensive" items into something wonderful & CHEAP!

I've discovered that you can't start any project without your camera close at hand, & that it's important to record every step.

I've discovered that it's perfectly "normal" to set a beautiful table just to take a picture of it for a post.

I've discovered the "art of tablescapes," but haven't mastered that yet. 

I've discovered it's okay to show your "messy side" as long as you share the steps you take to clean it up.

I've discovered the generosity of many of you who willingly share your time doing tutorials.

I've discovered the fun of Linky Parties & truly appreciate the time that so many of you spend setting up, encouraging, & commenting on everyone who links up.  If I started listing my favs, I'd be so afraid of missing someone, but I hope you know who you are & how grateful I am.  Without your parties, I wouldn't have made so many friends.

I've discovered friendships can feel pretty darn strong with people I will probably never meet "in person," but that doesn't diminish the bond.  You are an amazing, friendly, kind, talented & caring group of ladies, & you make me so thankful that I began this blog.

I'm truly looking forward to sharing more of my life's journey with you and look forward to spending time with all of you.  So, once again, I say "thank you" for turning such a simple endeavor into something so special.  Ya'll have a great day & please stop by anytime.


  1. Congrats! Love to read your blog, full of inspiration and your taste of living I admire so much.

  2. Congrats on your milestone! I wholeheartedly agree about the positive support and friendship derived from blogging. The internet really has made the world smaller:)
    Have a great day, from one of your followers:)

  3. What a nice post! I agree with so many things you wrote here! Big congrats! I was excited to make it over 50... but have lost some along the way... oh well, I guess!

    Continue to enjoy and be yourself :)

  4. Congratulations!!! Such a nice post and the reasons for blogging are true for so many of us! So happy for you!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Congratulations!!! What a huge milestone! Thanks for mentioning me.

  6. Congrats on 150 followers! I hit that milestone today :D I love this post. I am right there with you, tweaking, decorating, and reading awesome tutorials! Blogging has been fun, but it has also been humbling when I consider all the talent out there in blogland.

    Have a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

  7. Congrats on your 150! I love coming to your blog. Your one of the ones that always makes me feel special and welcome. Glad your in blog-land, and glad I found you! Happy St Patrick's day.

  8. Wonderful milestone! I do know exactly what you mean about blogging changing your life, it has done that for me also! Congrats!

  9. Congrats is right!!! Amazing how just a mustard seed of faith can go along way! Thank you so much for the comment on my Oregon Folks project. Looking forward to stalking your blog.

  10. So true that you discover a lot of things through blogging! Congratulations on this milestone! :)


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!