
Nice Blogging Friends

Hey everyone!  I hope ya'll had a truly wonderful Easter.  The Man was sick all last week, like stay home from work sick -- very bad cold & cough.  By Saturday, I was starting to feel the first signs of the sickness & started popping Zinc lozenges & taking extra Vit. C.  Don't know if those things work, but I know they won't hurt.  By Sunday, I was feeling worse.  Yay, Happy Easter to us!

The really bright spot of my Easter morning was a very sweet Email from Janelle @ Of Pinks and Fairytales.  She left me a message regarding my post about the blooming cactus & then added "By the way, I am passing the 'Versatile Blogger' award to you. I know you have this 'Award Free Blog' sign on your page, haha but I really love your blog so I included you in my list anyway :)  

I just thought it was so sweet of Janelle, who lives in the Philippines with her hubby and adorable little girl, Andrea, to give me this award knowing I wouldn't participate further.  I decided what I can do is encourage all of you to go visit Janelle's blog Of Pinks and Fairytales, and see for yourself just how talented she is.

I'm a bit worse today, but holding off on my judgement of the Zinc & Vit. C until I see how long it takes me to get well.  Just hung out on the sofa today, catching up on "Bethany Happily Ever-After."  Seriously, do you ever watch daytime TV?  There is nothing of any value on the tube.  Anyway, it was something to watch while I blogged & napped, but now I'm really craving "Skinny Girl Margaritas," which is Bethany's new creation that is supposed to be flying off the shelves.  What can I say, I was heavily medicated with NyQuil!  LOL!!!

I'll be playing it pretty low-key in posting for a few days, but enjoying just checking in on my blog friends.  You are all truly the best!  As always, thanks for stopping by and please come again soon.


  1. Yep, that is just what you need to do, chase your nyquil with margarita's! I can just see you now lol. All jokes aside, I hope you get to feeling better soon, and I am sorry you felt bad on Easter.

  2. Awww... I hope you and The Man feel better soon. And thanks for your lovely post :)

  3. Aren't bloggy friends the best!?!?!? I hope your cold gets better.

    Ricki Jill

  4. I love Bethenny!!! I'm so addicted to Reality TV it's not funny. You should watch Pregnant In Heels. I LOVE IT. The people are so over the top. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon. I have never watched Bethenny's show, but the skinny girl margarita sounds good!

  6. I hope you are feeling better soon Cas.
    The pics of your cactus in the previous post are truly gorgeous!
    And I love your inspiration board idea, very cool!

  7. Congratulations! And I hope you feel better soon:) Sick is no fun.

  8. CAS, sorry you're not feeling well. That's no fun. :(
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Take care,

  9. Sorry about the sickness! Hope it is better soon! Congrats on the award!

  10. I am now following you everywhere that I see possible!

    Like that? Maybe you'll link up with my new Super STALKER Sunday and you can do the same with others and vice versa? I can't wait! I think this Blog Hop will be HUGE!

    I also should mention that I have a FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory that has at least a dozen blogs listed for every day of the week. No kidding! Come and check it out! : )

  11. Thank you for stopping by to visit. So sorry that you have a cold, they can make you feel so awful ~ yuck! Hope that you feel better soon.

  12. YAY I can comment...you know this is at least my 4th visit. Sorry you are not feeling well. Get some rest girl. ANd you guy too! You have been going going going.

  13. Congratulations on the award! I'm following from Super Stalker Sunday, and I can't wait to read more.

    I hope to see you in my neck of the woods, too!


  14. I am not surprised you won an award! Seriously. I totally love your blog and the icing on the cake was seeing my buttons on it. Thank you so much sweetie. I hope you are feeling better now!

    Thanks for linking up on the new Super STALKER Sunday! I hope you won't be a stranger and come back next week, or even just mid week and say hello! : ) I post lots of other great things like recipes, tackles, and rambles (oh my!).

    I also should mention that I have a FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory that has at least a dozen blogs listed for every day of the week. No kidding! Come and check it out! : )

  15. Glad you are feeling better. What a great giveaway you won.


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!