
UPS Delivers!

Hey everyone!  I think that I'm maybe on the "road to recovery."  This illness
really knocked me for a loop, but I feel much, much better today.  Yay!!!  I do
so appreciate all the "get well" wishes that have been streaming in from all my
good friends out in blogland.  Ya'll are truly the best!

A few weeks ago I was the lucky recipient of a Give-Away from the very
sweet Vanessa & Heather from At the Picket Fence.  This was part of their
post & you just had to do the usual things to get your name in the pot for
a random drawing:

APRIL 4, 2011

It's An Etsy Giveaway! Meet Our April Etsy Store!

by Kim from
My Domestic Bliss
Well, I had been following Vanessa long before she linked up with
her sister, Heather, & started this wonderful new & fun blog; and
I had also already been following Kim & had an immediate
connection because she and my sweet DIL were expecting babies
at almost the same time.  (They ended up being 1 week apart).
Needless to say, I was all in for this give-away.  And GUESS WHAT?
I won!!!!  I was so thrilled & immediately went shopping.

Since ya'll know I've been sick this past week, you can well imagine
what a boost it was when the UPS man rang my doorbell.  It probably
wasn't too uplifting for him to see me like that, but they always smile
anyway!  This is what he delivered.

Yay, a box with my name on it, & I see immediately that
 it's from Kim!

Oh, the anticipation!  I do this with Christmas & birthday gifts, too.  


This is the cutest little frame, just a little chippy and worn.  

My 3 treasures!  Dog of Flanders, Rin Tin Tin, & Spike of Swift River.
Does anyone remember the movie "Dog of Flanders?"

I love that this is hand-written inside the cover of the Rin Tin Tin book.  

This is also inside the book.

Wow, does this ever bring back memories!

I love having this history to go along with the book.

My plan for these wonderful treasures is to use the frame for 
a photo that The Man & I do each year of us with all the "Grands."  
That photo, along with the wonderful books will go on some display 
shelves in the guest room in our new house.  This room will be most 
often used by our grandchildren, so I intend to have things in that 
space that they can relate to.  The Man and I are both really looking 
forward to reading these stories to the kiddos, even the ones 
who are old enough to read for themselves.  I see this 
as a really special thing for us to share with them.

For some of you young "whipper-snappers" these won't mean 
much, but I think there are some others who will enjoy my 
little "shared" walk down memory lane.  Thanks for stopping 
by and please come again soon.

It only seems right that I should link this to:


  1. So happy you're feelin' better,congrats on this awesome win!

  2. Oh I loved what you picked CAS! You are a gal after my own heart, I love old books. I have the entire collection of original Bobbsey Twin books, are you familiar with them? I love everything you picked out with your gift certificate and am so happy that you won our giveaway from Kim! Thank you for the sweet post!


  3. Congratulations!! I absolutely love to get mail (good mail, not junk & bills) & when the UPS man comes I'm really excited. Especially, when I didn't have to spend any money!! Have a great weekend.

  4. Morning Cas,
    So glad to hear you are feeling better!!
    what a nice giveaway you won....
    Congratulations hon!!

    Oh gosh, rin tin tin.....that does bring back memories, I am not familiar with the other two. But they do seem like great books to read to your grandchildren, and will look great on a shelf as well.
    Pretty frame....can't wait to see what you put in it.
    Take care and sure hope you are on the mend for sure.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi! I am right beside you at Inspiration Friday. What a great giveaway choice! I have a complete set of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House series. It is really one of my most cherished possessions. I remember the day I finished the first book. I was probably in the 4th grade maybe? I couldn't WAIT to read the next one. Come visit my blog if you have time...I have a giveaway going right now so come and enter! ~Ann

  6. Wonderful treasures indeed! Too much fun. Thanks so much for sharing a link to my Saturday Night Spotlight Link Party! It's a great way to find new & talented blog friends. Come back any time! Have a great weekend. :)

  7. Thanks for visiting!

    I love getting packages, too! You have an enjoyable blog.

  8. So glad your better Cas. That is a great win congrats!

  9. What a great giveaway and you seem like just the right sort of person to have won it. I hope your grandchildren enjoy them with you.


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!