
Some "New-to-Me Blogs" this week.

Hey, everyone.  Last weekend I had a bit of a melt-down regarding time spent on blogging & frustration over not being able to keep up.  Several of my true Bloggy Friends left comments & some sage advice & tips.  I appreciated each & every one.  My conclusion was to just do the best I can, share what's important to me, respond as often as possible, & try to share "New-to-Me" blogs that peaked my interest over the week.  I'm going to be listing just a few of these blogs, hopefully on Sunday, and doing it for a very selfish reason -- it makes me feel good!  There is so much talent out there in blogland, and when I encounter one of these that gets my juices flowing, I just want to tell others about it.  I'm not going to really treat this as a "feature" for the simple reason that my blog doesn't have a huge following, & I don't get that many comments;  but, if it makes a difference to even one other blogger, that will make me feel great.

So, for this past week, these are a few that got my attention:

Amy is more about promoting your blog for business purposes, aka:  Making Money with Your Blog.  That said, she has a wealth of information, in a very easy to find format, that appealed to me as just a regular blogger.  I'm thinking just about everyone in blogland could come away from this blog with new & fresh ideas.

Cris is pretty new to blogging, but she has some great ideas.  She does a lot of projects related to children & things you can do with your children.  She is an Arizona blogger, woohoo!  If you've got kiddoes or have "grand" kiddoes, you need to see what she has to offer!

Inside Heather's Home
Chicken Caesar Salad Sandwiches

Heather's blog was a very recent discovery, like this morning, & I've had this huge craving for her Chicken Caesar Salad Sandwich ever since.  She has some delectable -sounding recipes.   Anyway, I discovered Heather through Becca @ Home is Where My Story Begins.  She has a really great blog, too.

Well, that's my post for today.  I have a couple of non-projecty type things to share this week, but I'm not for sure when.  Don't tell me you're not waiting with bated breath? 
 Ha-Ha!  Thanks for stopping by and please come again soon.


  1. Hey CAS! Love the Blogging With Amy site, added it to my Bloggy Tips page! Thanks for the great link! Happy Sunday:@)

  2. Hi Cas, thanks for the heads up on these great blogs.

  3. Will have to check these out! Have a great week! Waiting with bated breath.....

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog -- I love finding new ones. I am going back to check out your previous posts, because I don't think I have seen you before.

  5. Hello Cas! I'm glad of your new advocacy. I'm sure the other bloggers you have featured will be equally thrilled and happy. Have a great week!

  6. I know how you feel about not being able to keep up. Sometimes, I'm overwhelmed but then, I just have to step away from the computer ;)

    Thanks for the links - I'll check them out!

  7. Hi Cas, Thank you for being a follower, welcome! I am a new bloger and so glad to discover your wonderful blog. I diffinetly will enjoy relaxing and checking everything out! You are quite the crafter!

  8. Thanks for sharing these Cas. I'm having one of those months of constantly wondering why I'm blogging. I think we all go through those phases, but then, when I take a break, I miss it. It's a vicious cycle, but I don't think I want to get out of the cycle! laurie

  9. Hi Cas,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your very difficult year That sounds horrific for you. Really hard.

    Re: commenting. It does take a bit of time but I find the rewards are so worth it because you get to know people all over the world!

    Thank you for the blogs you've recommended. I'm off to have a little peep now!


  10. Thanks for some new blogs to check out. I like when friends recommend other blogs.
    There are so many good ones that I can not visit even my favorites more than once a week, usually even less. If only I had a system...

  11. I know what you meant. I'm really behind. I didn't turn on the computer all weekend. I'm trying to catch up. That chicken salad sandwich looks divine!!!

  12. Hello Cas,
    Thanks so much for the intro to these blogs.



I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!