
To All Women, Mothers or Not, Enjoy this Special Day!

This is a heart-felt message to all of my bloggy friends, those I've met and the ones I hope to meet soon.  I don't believe you have to have birthed a child,  adopted one, or even need to have one in your life to still receive the title of "MOM."  I believe that any woman who takes care of her family in whatever capacity that may be, is a "Mom."  Those of us who do have children, sometimes feel that should be the desire of every other woman, but that's not true.  I believe we each have to choose our own path.

I knew from the time I was a very young child that I wanted to someday be a "Mom."  My desire came from watching and being close to my grandmother.  I looked to her as my example of what a mother should be and how she should treat her children.  My own mother truly did not like being a mother and made that very clear to me at a very tender age.  My grandparents always lived close, I think because they felt they needed to protect me and show me what "love" really was suppose to be.  I'm so grateful that I had both my grandparents during what was a very dark time in my life.  I knew from being with these dear sweet people that I wanted to be a "Mom" someday, and I knew my children would never want for love.

My Mom was a woman who should never have had children.  I think at the time, there was so much pressure to have children -- it was what was expected of you.  I'm glad that women today can choose which path they want to take.

I am grateful every single day that I found (or he found me) a sweet and kind man to spend my life with. I am grateful that in the very early years, when my body didn't want to cooperate in making a baby, that we were united in our desire to be parents however that needed to happen.  I am grateful that we didn't give up, and were then blessed with first our beautiful daughter and then our wonderful son.  I am so grateful for the many exciting years we had with them growing up, even with a few ups and downs.  I am so grateful that they both found that wonderful love for themselves that they saw in their father and me.  I am so grateful that they, too, chose to have children and bestow on each and everyone, that wonderful "unconditional" love that parents should have.

I am truly blessed to have had my wonderful Grandmother (and Grandfather) who taught me how to love.  I now understand that bond that we shared.  Being a grandmother myself, of 6, I would lay down my life in a heartbeat to protect them.  They are my own children's precious children which makes the knot around my heart even tighter.

So again I say, choose your own path.  I can't imagine my life without my children, but I do truly believe that it's not for everyone.  But, if it is your desire and there are obstacles in the way, just don't give up.  I applaud each and every woman I know for who you are and pray you always stay true to yourself.

I wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day!



  1. Happy Mother's Day Weekend CAS-enjoy:@)

  2. Cas, this is one of the sweetest post I have seen in blogland. I am so sorry about your childhood. I can relate a little too well because my mother didn't want children either, and all three of us children were very aware of it. We too had a wonderful grandparent (her father). It is something I never talk about because it is a part of my life that I do not like to re-visit. Every child (and fur baby) deserves a warm loving home with good parents who love them.

    I hope you have the best mother's day ever! May God Bless all of the wonderful mother's like you :)

  3. What a sweet post. I hope you have a FABULOUS Mother's Day!!

  4. Super-fantastic post! Happy Mother's Day to you, my friend!

  5. CAS, I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day and a great weekend.

  6. Thanks for your wonderful Mother's Day post!

    Welcome and thanks so much for stopping by my blog, checking out my artwork, and enjoying my Anjou Pears painting for the giveaway!

    I have a Super Spring Sale going on now for one month only (May) on all of my Fine Art Prints:

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    Just contact me to let me know if you are interested and I will honor the discount.

    I am your new follower!

  7. Hi, Cas, I'm bj and over from Happier. So nice to meet you.
    I so enjoyed reading your story and so thankful you had a sweet and loving grandmother.
    Both my grandmothers died before I came along so I never had the pleasure. I did, however,have a mother that was loving and kind and my hero. Also had wonderful aunts.:)
    Hope your Mother's Day is blessed in all ways.
    I am signing up to follow and hope you'll come by sometime.
    xo bj

  8. Very sweet post. Mother's Day is bittersweet for me because both my boys have Asperger Syndrome (high functioning autism) and feel and exhibit little to no empathy. "Mother's Day" is just an obligation to them, something they will never truly understand. Why should they care they have a mother?? At least I found out WHY this has always been the case (just diagnosed last August as adults). But I was called to be a mother anyway...and am suffering a deep reality.....I never thought this was a possibility. I hope someday they find a woman they CAN appear to love enough that they stay together..... But honestly, if they had children, those children would feel unwanted...simply via the lack of empathy/no theory of mind/mind blindness (never understanding the needs/thoughts/wants of another person)...Sad really. We make the best of it...whether we had children easily, suffered infertility, adopted....as women we share a lot. I know there are women today who feel judged for never having children...and I wish that weren't so. We should all be truly free to follow our hearts calling.

  9. Happy Mother's Day to You Cas, great post thanks!
    Also want to thank you for putting me on your blog list.
    I so want to do my blog favorites and you will be there! Still trying to find the time, maybe if I wasn't having so much fun exploring blogs, I could get mine done!


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!