
Yep, it's ME!

No, you didn't get yourself into the wrong blog.  It's definitely me.  Just decided I needed a change in my look.  Last Friday I had an appointment with my great hairdresser, for just a haircut.  But....the night before, I decided I not only wanted a new haircut but a new color, too!  I used to be a redhead until about ten years ago & just started going more blonde & then all-of-a-sudden, it was all blonde.  I was starting to feel washed out with the blonde, but not feeling too washed out now.  LOL!!  My hairdresser has always said I should have been a redhead because of my coloring.  I didn't remember how much greener my eyes are with the red.  And yes, The Man is getting used to it!  He would never say, even if he hated it (but I would know).  But he does keep looking at me with a bit of a grin and extra twinkle in his eyes.  Maybe he's just imagining a new and strange woman in his house.  LOL!!!  It's fun to still surprise him even after almost 42 years of marriage.

I guess my message today could be to not get stuck in-a-rut.  We all like to change up our home decor, so why not ourselves, too.  Hope you are having a great Monday.  Thanks for stopping by and please come again soon.


  1. Love it! My Mon goes red like you and she gets so many compliments on her hair. It looks fabulous CAS! Change is good my friend.

  2. Hey Cas! I love the red on you! I think it fits. I went to a shorter haircut a few months ago and love it! Changing things up always makes me feel good!

  3. Well no wonder your hubby has a twinkle in his eye's when he looks at you, your absolutely gorgeous! Love the new doo.

  4. Lovin' the new doo! Be sure to let us know if redheads have more fun:@)

  5. Looks great...wish I was daring enough to go red! When I ask my husband if he likes my color, his response is "If you like it...I LOVE it!" Smart man!

  6. LOL I just went form very red to very blonde, but I change my hair color almost every six weeks. My stylist is a color trainer for Aveda so she experiments on me!!! ;P

  7. By the way, you do look pretty with red hair.

  8. Looking good! A new look is always refreshing! I laughed on the
    "imaginng a new and strange woman"
    that is something I would say!

  9. Hello Cas! You look fabulous. Aside from your new look, I would like to acknowledge your accessories too. It perfectly complements your beautiful look.

  10. You look very pretty Cas. That color is great on you.

  11. Very cute! Life is too short not to have fun with your hair!

  12. You look so pretty with the red. I recently went with highlights. Mother nature was highlighting for me so I decided to out do her,lol.

  13. Love the color! I'm sure you will be getting a lot of compliments on your new do.

  14. i think the cut & color looks really good! and i love your glasses too :)

  15. You look fab!!! Love the red on you and it did bring out your eyes...so pretty!
    I changed mine too and went shorter in the back and lighter in the hair color, change is good!


  16. You look fabulous- the new color really suits you! Are you feeling a new red 'attitude' now ;) ?

  17. It looks great!! I just love a day at the hair stylist!

  18. Cas, You look great as a redhead.

  19. Hi Cas,
    Like your new look, and yes, it is good to change things up a bit and not get stuck in a rut. I just flipped my hair under this week instead of up, but by the next day it didn't look so great so I flipped it up again, gotta get it cut some first.
    Hubbies like those changes once in awhile, and it feels great !!
    Good for you,
    Blessings, Nellie

  20. You look AMAZING! You go, girl!

    I changed my hair when Mr M&M told me that I was starting to look like Betty Crocker. He didn't say it to be mean. He was just being honest. And he was right!

    So, enjoy the new you!

  21. You look fabulous, my dear! I'm so ready for a change myself!

  22. WOW, you look AMAZING! Your eyes POP! Isn't it fun to change things up now and then? Great choice, enjoy your new beautiful look! =) XOXO ~Liz

  23. I love it! Looks great! Good risk worth taking.

  24. Looks fabulous!! Guess it is the season of change!


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