
Another Babysitting Gig!

Hey everyone!  I haven't been posting much lately because I've been super-busy getting ready for some company.  We also had the joy of babysitting our two youngest grands last week -- so much fun!  Y'all know I have to share.

A 1 year old & a 3 year old can transform a room pretty quickly.

This was our family room about 15 minutes before Little Miss & Littlest Miss arrived.

Within a few minutes, we had a "fun zone" going on.....lol!

Little Miss settled in for a late afternoon cocktail (she calls it "milkie") & a movie.

Meanwhile, Littlest Miss is on the run exploring.  There are two ways into the dining-sitting room, so I decided to block off one way.  Littlest Miss is pondering how she might circumvent this blockade. 

"Hmmm.....this could work!"

"Nana keeps following me around with the camera.  She thinks I'm just as cute going as coming!"

Little Miss, age 3, is completely "IPad literate," knowing exactly where her games are & how & where to plug in her headphones.  I'm sure she could give her Nana & Bapa some lessons!

Well, I would have taken more pics, but by the time dinner was finished & Littlest Miss was tucked into her crib, this Nana was pooped!  We have so much fun spending time with these two little people!

Thanks for indulging me.  Hope you come again soon.


  1. Kids never fail to amaze me too. Once in a while I babysit for my nieces and I enjoy every single moment with them. These little kids never fail to give us huge happiness :D Btw, my little nieces also know how to operate an iPad :D

    Have a great day Cas!

  2. Too cute! I worked with children all my life, so I know what you mean! This generation is just too smart! LOL Have a great weekend!

  3. Morning Cas,
    Have missed you lately, but certainly for a good cause. So wonderful that yall are able to be near your grandies so you can be much more a part of their lives. I think grandparents are so important to a child's life and growth and it can make such a wonderful difference in their lives to have them. So great you are taking grandparenting seriously, some do not!!

    Looks like you have some cuties on your hands, and bet they bring lots of joy to your lives.

    Blessings hon,

  4. Such little cuties!!! It's so funny how tech literate they are. Logan has been playing with my iPhone for awhile (I'm the only one that will allow him to play with it) & it's hilarious to see him slide his little finger across it to turn on!

  5. I am so glad your having so much fun Cas. Nothing like a good Nana!

  6. What precious little angels! There's nothing quite like grandchildren, is there? My mother used to say that all the time and I never understood it until I became a grandma. Are you Nana? I'm Nanama.

  7. They are just darling! I know you didn't mind having that mess while they were there visiting. That's part of the fun!

  8. what fun!! you guys are lucky to have each other!!

  9. Who doesn't love milkie and a movie?!

  10. They are both so sweet and you are blessed to have them. And nearby so that you can babysit. XO, Pinky

  11. Hah! the "transformation" was great!

  12. This looks like a fun place to be! :)

  13. What beautiful, beautiful kiddos! And, I know you had so much fun with them ... what a great Grandma you are!

  14. What beautiful, beautiful kiddos! And, I know you had so much fun with them ... what a great Grandma you are!


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Make this a great day!