
Getting My Craft On!

Hey everyone!  Whew, I finally finished my craft project for the party going on at Gina's "Great Spring'tacular Party".  I've been busy with so many other things, I wasn't sure I'd be able to contribute anything to this party.  I did have all the things I needed to make a wreath that I had been wanting to do, & I guess this party just gave me the incentive to "git 'er dun!"  Sorry, sometimes absolutely ridiculous things just pop in my mind & flow right through my fingers as I'm writing.....lol!
 The Great Spring'tacular Party is still in full swing, so you should pop over & take a look at everything.  I'm also joining those 2 fabulous sisters HERE @ The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday, & ya'll know how awesome these two are!
Just a peek of what I'm doing.

I apologize in advance, because I either take too many pictures or not enough; & when I get into my "zone," I sometimes forget to photograph some steps.  But anyway, I think you'll get the idea.  My inspiration came from Suzanne @ Pieced Pastimes.  She has a lovely blog, & you should all check it out.

Suzanne's version is just gorgeous.

Now, onto mine.

Ya'll know I've been on a "use what I have" kick lately, & this project is no exception.
Suzanne used a foam wreath form, but I didn't have one of those.  I did have one of the green wire forms, so.........

I spray-painted it white.

I also didn't have painter's drop cloth, but I had a couple of yards of this linen-look fabric (it's super cheap, but is much thinner & ravels much more than the drop cloth would have.  I cut strips 2 1/2" wide using the full 2 yard length.  I cut 4 of these because my form is bigger than what Suzanne used.

I used part of one of the strips to wrap & completely cover the wire form, securing at the beginning & the end with hot glue.

My blank slate is ready!

I then sewed the strips together to make one long one which I would not do next time, because it got cumbersome.  Then I set my sewing machine for the longest basting stitch & ran that down one side of the strip about 1/8" from the edge.  I did break up the basting stitches several times to make the gathering easier & less likely to break threads.

Gather, gather, gather & then gather some more!

I knew the wrapping would take some time, so I moved over to my scrapbook station, sat in my comfy chair with my glue-gun close at hand & started wrapping.  I secured the ruffle with hot glue at the top of each ruffle as I wrapped it around.  This is where I forgot about taking pictures.  I was just trying not to burn my little fingers with hot glue.....lol!

Ta-Da!  I knew all along I wanted it on my pantry door.

I added a few embellishments.

There are some very good tutorials online for making these rolled fabric flowers.  I just did a search for "rolled fabric flowers," & had lots of options from written tutorials to videos, depending on which way you like best.  They are very easy.

I made one with some scraps of burlap, & another from the leftover linen-look fabric.

Then I looked through my fabric scraps & found this to make the larger flower.

Also found these little florals in my stash & liked the little soft pop of color they add.

One more peak.  What do you think?  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, & very happy
that I was able to create it with things I already had!

Thanks so much for stopping by, & please come again soon!


  1. Very nice, Cas! I love the material and the splash of color. Great job! xo ~Liz

  2. Very cute and so creative. Love the tutorial shots. Your flowers are darling....

  3. Oh I wish I had time right now to craft...your wreath makes me want to make something pretty!!

  4. So pretty & perfect for the pantry door. Have a great weekend.

  5. Hi lovely lady.
    This is so Beautiful looks like a lot of work on your part. I would be so pleased also"" the way you put this all together lovely. Thanks so much for becoming my new follower on my tablescape. Im following you now also. Hope you have a wonderful St.Patrick's Day with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  6. It's darling CAS!..love it..great job..xo, Mariaelena

  7. Oh my goodness, I do love this wreath! You've done an amazing job and I especially love how you made it work with what you have. (I need to learn from your example.) Thanks so much for linking this up to my party!

  8. So pretty Cass! I'm really getting into crafting this year, it was one of my resolutions(which I never make) and it's been very satisfying to see what I can do with what I have on hand! I love your flowers on it, I'll have to try those!
    Have a great weekend coming up!


  9. Carol, what a darling wreath and just perfect for Spring. Great instructions also:)

  10. I like it Cas! The creativity and the intricate details is amazing already.

  11. Hi Cas,
    Your wreath came out so beautifully and looks great on your pantry door.
    So pretty!

    good work.................enjoy!

    Blessings for a good weekend,

  12. Good for you for getting your wreath done and looking so pretty. It looks great on your pantry door. And your fabric flowers turned out really nice. I made a few a while ago but they seem to bulky. Yours are perfect. I'm so glad Spring has sprung! Have a happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  13. Hi Cas,

    I love your wreath! The fabric flowers are terrific.


  14. I just love it! It looks so soft and fresh and I'm so glad you were able to link it up to Inspiration Friday this week!

  15. It turned out great. I'm so impressed with you just whipping that up from stuff you had.

  16. Happy Spring to you and yours. Love the wreath! Just dropping by to get some craft ideas.:)

  17. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I missed this the first time around. So cute Cas!~ Glad you were able to make the party too. I have you on my blog now. That is the easiest way I am finding to add you all back to mine is per your comments coming in. I have no clue who I followed there were so many.

  18. http://debbie-debbiedoos.com/
    This needs to be added in order for me to come up again. thanks.

  19. Hi CAS! Thanks for sharing the wreath with us at Inspiration Friday. We shared it on our Facebook Page today!


  20. Wonderful idea. I love the little pop of yellow and the burlap flower is incredible. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!


  21. I love the way it all came together. This would look REALLY good on my dark brown front door!

  22. Gorgeous!!!
    this is going on my to-do list!


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Make this a great day!