
Keeping It Simple at the Front Entrance

Hey everyone!  Are you all ready for Christmas?  Have you finished your shopping?  Are the presents all wrapped?  Are you tired of everyone asking those questions?  Yeah, that's what I thought, so you won't find me asking those questions, nope, you won't hear me asking any of those questions!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  or  Ho!  Ho!  Ho!  Okay, sorry, I'm just being silly.  Seriously, I hope you are ready or at least close; but more than anything, I hope you are thoroughly enjoying this wonderful season.

I'm just winding down with a few more posts.  Today I wanted to share our outside decorations, which are very, very simple.  The Man put the lights up before Thanksgiving, and before I even asked him -- WHAT?  I know, he's the best!

This was just after dusk, but the night sky was still so blue.

This door leads into The Man's shop.  I got the idea of wanting to add wreaths from seeing so many blog friends who have 2-story houses and put wreaths in all their windows.  I just love that look, and this was the best I could come up with.

This is our main garage.  I really like the wreaths!

I bought these little 4', pre-lit trees during the after Christmas sales last year, and simply used a box to give one of them a bit of height.  These are little trees, so it didn't take much to give them some Christmas cheer. I used red & white deco mesh, $Store snowflakes, & a couple of little $Store snowmen ornaments at the top.  I just wrapped a snow blanket around the bases.

Here is my "ever-present" wicker chair and just wrapped the cushion with some Christmas fabric and added one of my homemade Teddy Bears.

The Man wired all the lights into this light fixture, so we can turn the lights on with the switch inside our house.  I used that little quilted wall hanger to hide most of the wires, except for that one -- just pretend you can't see it, okay?

I didn't plan it this way, but our big living room tree is directly in line with the little window.  
I love seeing that!

This is the same wreath I had last year, but I added a battery operated string of lights.

The view through the window!

See, I told you it was simple, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!  I'll be back during the next couple of days to share a couple more posts, and then I'll be taking a short break to simple enjoy the 
rest of the holidays.



  1. It looks beautiful. I love the wreaths and the trees, so pretty. Hugs, marty

  2. So pretty. Love all the wreaths and the lights. Have a great day. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  3. What I love best here is the little chair in your porch. Your home looks so welcoming for the holidays Carol. I'm sure your grandkids will love everything.

  4. Carol, it all looks so pretty. I love the light at that time of day -so magical! Have a Merry Christmas!
    Cheers! - Shelley

  5. It looks so pretty and just right, Carol! Very festive and inviting. And you're right - The Man is The Bomb! I hope you and all of your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas!!!


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Make this a great day!