
The 'Simple Abundance' Path!

Hey everyone!  I cannot believe it's already Friday -- where has this week gone?  Some times, in the flurry of activities, I get stressed.  I'm much more of a "home-body" than The Man.  I have quite a lengthy list of projects (some are for him), and a mind that functions much better on routines and order; so being spontaneous, simply relaxing and "going with flow," is very difficult for me.  That's why, every couple of years, I reach for my treasured copy of 'Simple Abundance,' by Sarah Ban Breathnach.    This wonderful book was first released in November 1995.  I'm not much of a daytime TV person, but I occasionally watched Oprah (kind of miss her show) and just happened to tune in the day she was interviewing Sarah about her new release of this book.  I was intrigued and began talking about how much I'd love to have this book; so The Man gave me a copy for Christmas that year.

It was very difficult for me to read it as a daily journal, just one entry per day when I wanted to devour the entire book in a day, but I did it.  I even bought several copies throughout the year and gave them to some friends the following Christmas.  This is the fourth or fifth time I've read this book and gain new insight into who I truly want to be and who I am right now each time I read it.  It's really a book of guidance to help you understand what's really important in your life.

I decided this past December that I wanted to read this book again, and I am so glad I did.  After having chosen "authentic" as my word for the year, I'v been pleasantly surprised at how being "authentic" is a truly common thread in this book.  I find it to be a wonderful way to start my day.  I will probably share more about this book over the year, because there are simple things that the author asks you to do to help feed your soul.  I just start a "Gratitude Journal," which is one of those simple things that can have  huge impact if you open yourself up to it.  In case you can't tell, I love this book!  
Simple Abundance: A Daybook of  Comfort and Joy

This is the excerpt from Amazon:

Simple Abundance is a book of 366 evocative essays-one for every day of your year-written for women who wish to live by their own lights. In the past a woman's spirituality has been separated from her lifestyle. Simple Abundance shows you how your daily life can be an expression of your authentic self ... as you choose the tastiest vegetables from your garden, search for treasures at flea markets, establish a sacred space in your home for meditation, and follow the rhythm of the seasons and the year. Here, for the first time, the mystical alchemy of style and Spirit is celebrated. Every day, your own true path leads you to a happier, more fulfilling and contented way of life-the state of grace known as...simple abundance.  Embrace its gentle lessons, savor its sublime common sense, dare to live its passionate truth, and share its extraordinary and exhilarating gift with every woman you encounter: the authentic self is the Soul made visible.

It isn't too late to add this book to your reading list; even though it's already January 18th, it wouldn't take you very long to catch up and would be so worth the effort!

I am happily joining Ricki Jill at Art at Home for Literary Friday.

Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Maybe I should take my copy off the shelf and give it another reading.

  2. Hi Carol! This is the first time I encountered this book. The closest I can identify with is Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life, where you are likewise required to read one chapter a day.

    I might add this book in my list ... if it's available in my country :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. If you are able to get, Diane, I really hope you enjoy it!


  3. Thanks for the recommendation - I'm going to Amazon now to order it :-)

  4. We are kindred spirits! I have had this book since it came out and it's dog earred. I constantly pick it up for lift of my spirits. It would be great if you highlighted a bit of it in your posts and how authenticity works in our lives.


  5. Sounds like an interesting book! I've never been a fan of Oprah but I wanted to watch the interview with Lance Armstrong last night but Dean refuses to watch her & I was too lazy to get off the sofa & go to the other TV!! HA!

  6. I've had the book too since it came out and do remember in the book how someday your authentic self will be caught in a gold framed mirror? When it happened to me I was just dumbfounded...I was seeing my authentic self! Great book!

  7. I remember hearing about that book when it first came out but never ended up reading it! Thank you so much for sharing it with us Carol because I am definitely going to be putting it in my cart at Amazon! Hope you have a great weekend! :-)

  8. I have that book too! It's really good. I have the one that she wrote after that one too. I can't remember the name of it though. I bought it at a time that I really needed it. It's good to have a book that you can turn to that gives you better perspective about life.

  9. Carol, this sounds great. I think your choice of "authentic" is great for the year! And what a nice compliment to a gratitude journal, too. I'm going to the bok store for my daughter today, and I'm looking for it. Thanks so much for linking-up!!!


  10. Carol, based on your recommendation I am going to read this book. I love the word you have chosen for your word of the year. My word is Grow, and I think this book would be a good one to read.

  11. Carol, it's nice to see someone else enjoying a retro path. I've been a big fan of this book since it was published. Every now and then when I feel like I need some grounding, I take it down, dust it off, and read Sarah's daily advice. This year, I have started a blog about it called "The Simple Abundance Project". I'm just doing a sort of stream of consciousness blogging about my experiences with re-learning the beauty of simple abundance. I hope you'll stop by and read it someday. Here's the link:http://diannegrecoblog.wordpress.com/. Love your website! Lots of great stuff and beautifully done. Keep it goin', girl!


I truly love to hear from you and try to respond to each and everyone. If you have "no reply blogger," I will respond in my comments section and then visit your blog as soon as I can.

Make this a great day!