
Some "Fluffing & Love" for the Kitchen!

Hey everyone!  Hope ya'll had a wonderful weekend.  We finally had weather more indicative of the normal 75ish degree range for this time of year for us, so doors and windows were open and walking in and out without the need of a coat was much enjoyed!  While The Man was outside mowing the very brown grass (his absolute favorite thing - NOT), I was inside "fluffing our nest" and doing some sewing.

Today, I thought I'd share some changes I've made in the kitchen since the Christmas glitz all went away.  As I've done in the living room and dining rooms, I like to keep some touches of red going on in the kitchen as well and have also added a bit of "Valentine love."  I'm not including the entire kitchen and breakfast room in this post, because some areas have simply not had their fare share of fluffing yet! Here is what I've accomplished so far.

I decided to set up a new location for our coffee bar here on the buffet.  I seem to be adding more items to the "coffee routine," and simply needed more space.

It used to be located just under the glass-doored cabinet, but it was way too crowded and was a big bother when kitchen cleanup was going on since that's where I stack the dirty dishes that are going into the dishwasher.

We plan on adding a piece of glass to the buffet top so we won't have to worry about scratches or spills, but until that happens, I've placed a cloth under the coffee pot and a pretty red check placemat under all the coffee accoutrements.  

I just love my Fiesta creamer (it holds my espresso spoons) & sugar set.

The only things new in the entire kitchen are the pumps for my Torani Syrup.

I picked up several of these little ramekins and some mini-loaf pans way back in early December when Michael's was having a huge sale.  I've been using them ever since, but never for their 
intended use....lol!

I added a few hearts here and there (all from past years).

I moved this lamp over here from another location.  I'm sometimes (pretty often) fixing my cup of coffee at "O dark-thirty" and need some light on the subject.

I moved the Seal-a-Meal over here, because it's slender and doesn't take up much room on this counter.

More of my "Michael's score."  I added some small heart ornaments for more Valentine love!

After the Christmas things came down, I stared at all of these "above the cabinets" spaces for many days before deciding what I wanted to do.  

My main goals were to make these spaces pretty, but give it a look that I could live with until the Fall.  Now, remember, I said that was a goal.....lol!  I'm also enjoying a "less is more" look, and we shall see how long that lasts!

These are the colors that I love and continue to use most of the time in my kitchen.

I made the fruit topiary many years ago (GO HERE for a complete tutorial & my inspiration) and have only had to re-glue one piece of fruit in all those years, even after moving it from old house to new house.

My Mr. Red Roo used to reside in another "above the cabinet" location, but I decided he needed to be center-stage.  He fit perfectly in this black wire basket, & I filled in with some greenery.

Very simple vignette on top of the fridge -- an old jar filled with cookie cutters, a silver Roo, and a lemon topiary sitting in a metal container with burlap as the filler.

The wooden box is over fifty years old (is that considered antique?) and was made by The Man in shop class when he was twelve.  He had been using it in the garage to hold junk, but when he didn't need it anymore, he was going to toss it out -- "WHAT?  Just you wait a minute, Mister!"  Can you believe he wouldn't know that I could "use" that old box?  Anyway, that "thrifty" 12-year old made the box using scrap that he pillaged found, and there was a wonderful old & very tattered label on the side you can't see -- wouldn't you know!  

Well, I paid a little visit to The Graphics Fairy, found something I liked, printed it on beige paper, roughed it up a bit, and glued it on to this side of the box.  I love this beat up old wooden box & think it looks so cheerful filled with the faux forsythia.  I also decided this area was the perfect spot to display The Man's old Roy Roger's thermos and Captain Midnight cups.

Mr. White Roo got transplanted from the dining room buffet to stand watch over this area of the kitchen.  In keeping with the color scheme, I simply gave him a pretty red bow and tucked in a small piece of the yellow forsythia.

I cannot remember where I saw this subway art, but knew I had to make a copy.  If you recognize it, please let me know, and I will give you credit.

And just in case you haven't felt enough of the "love-thing" going on here on this post, then maybe.....

These little cherubs will amp it up a notch.  "Little Miss Flynn" on the right and 
"Littlest Miss Avery" (aka:  "Busy") on the left.  I don't know about ya'll, but I'm on a 
total "Nana-high" right now! 

I hope I'm leaving you with a smile on your face after reading this post;  but if that's not the case, then take 2 aspirin, head back to bed, and try starting your day over!  This is Monday, the start of a brand new week with lots of time to make "happy" memories.  That's my plan for the week.  I hope you will join me.  Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love to party here:
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Dawn at Creative Cain Cabin for Decorating on a Budget
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Table Top Tuesdays
Leslie at House on the Way for Twirl & Take a Bow
Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
Jody & Stan at Rooted in Thyme for Simple and Sweet Fridays 
Amanda at Serenity Now for Weekend Bloggy Reading
Karen at Sew Many Ways for Sew Darn Crafty


  1. Wow! You had a busy weekend...but just the thing I like to do, fluff! I wish I had room for a coffee station...love yours! Have you ever thought of a pretty runner over the buffet? I am also admiring how you have decorated above your cabinets so pretty. I store a lot of large bowls, cake plates and cloches on top of mine and I'm ready for a new look. Just what to do with all of those big pieces!

    Your granddaughters are just the cutest! I would be eating them up, too. Enjoy your summer-like days...its' 11 degrees here!!


  2. It all looks great! The coffee station is perfect! Those grands of yours are just too cute!!

  3. You and I are on the same wavelength today. I just did a quick kitchen post too. Your Valentines touches are so perfect. :)

  4. Carol, what pretty vignettes you have in the kitchen! How sweet to be able to use your hubby's old box! Now, that's a treasure! Enjoy those cute grands, too!!!

  5. I never know what to do with my above the cabinet space, you have inspired me to go take another look at it. I put a few odds and ends there at Christmas time but right now it is pretty empty

  6. Always love your vignettes and definitely enjoyed the sweet smiles of your grands! Jane

  7. Love your fluffing Carol and your coffee center!:)

  8. Love all the bright cheery colors your after Christmas spruce up looks great. Putting the glass on you coffee station could be fun, you could decorate under the glass for holidays or seasons. I have a seal-o-meal too and use it all the time, we buy in bulk a lot and it comes in so handy. Thanks for linking up all your special tweaks.

  9. Love all the red touches! So cheery! Oh I love airing out the house in wintertime. Even when it is cold outside - just for a little while. Have a lovely evening.

  10. Carol, all the changes in your kitchen look fabulous! The decor on top of your cabinets is so pretty! I am in love with your coffee station. I have been wanting to do something like that. Thank you for the inspiration. Very, very pretty!

  11. Carol I've fell "in love" with "all" your Valentine fluff.I love it but now I'm wanting to make a fruit topiary,love that!!
    Saw your fluff @ Creative Cain Cabin.
    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane

  12. Love your newly fluffed kitchen, Carol. All of your touches and colors are so pretty! Those grandgirls of yours are pretty adorable too. :)

  13. I love your new coffee area Carol! Where did you find the pumps for the syrups? I really need those! I love your new look above the cabinets..very pretty! And those 2 little granddaughters? How beautiful are they? Angie xo

  14. Your granddaughters are so adorable. Love that photo! Wow, Carol. I love your coffee station. It's awesome! You don't ever need to go to Starbucks. Your fluffed kitchen looks great, especially for Valentine's Day!


  15. Your kitchen looks soooo pretty and I love your new vignettes. The coffee station is fabulous and your granddaughters are just about the cutest ever. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  16. I love your kitchen, it's cozy and inviting...loving all those cute roos! Your vignette is also very pretty. Your granddaughters now..they are the prettiest in this post..just adorable!! Thank you for visitng me sweet lady.

  17. Your kitchen is so cheerful and I love the coffee station. I really need one. It looks like you're ready for Valentine's Day with the pops of red. Your granddaughters are just the cutest! Thanks for sharing their photo, and for visiting. Have a great weekend.

  18. Love the ramekins and loaf pans. I'm a Michael's shopper, but I somehow missed those!

  19. You did a great job fluffing!! I would love to stop by for a coffee! Thanks for sharing this cute post at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Have a wonderful weekend!



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Make this a great day!