
Working With What You've Got

Hey everyone!  I hope all of you are having a wonderful week, staying healthy and enjoying your families and friends.   For those sweet ones of you who always read my posts, you know that my "resolve" for this year is to be more "authentic" and to follow the  encouragement of the book I'm reading daily, 'Simple Abundance' by Sarah Ban Breathnach.  Since this is a book written as a "daily reading," I thought I would occasionally share some thoughts about what I'm learning about life and myself.
Simple Abundance: A Daybook of  Comfort and Joy

The title of this post is rather catchy and timely, I think.  Since packing away all of the Christmas glitz, I knew I wanted a more calm and simple environment for The Man and I. 

 Life often times throws you curves, and you have no control to stop them.  What you can control is how you react.  My daily read from this book today is titled "Working With What You've Got," and seems so appropriate for how I want to live.

It is so easy to get caught up in the "rat race" of life and circumstances and allow all of those outside forces to control how we live.  I've been there, too, many times.  You find yourself saying over and over again, "When this gets done" or "If only we had a bigger paycheck" or "When the children are all in school," then I can do this, work on that or begin to live my dreams.  Well, guess what?  Life is constantly changing and adding circumstances beyond our control.

You can decide to sit in the backseat with a limited view and be totally driven by life's circumstances and chaos, or you can move to the driver's seat and begin to set your own pace and enjoy a different view.  Even in dark times there can be hope and abundance, we just have to be more creative and open, and more willing to dig a bit deeper to find our happiness.

Look for some simple things you can do today to lift your spirits -- wear a pretty scarf with your jeans and tee-shirt, use a spritz of that perfume you save for special occasions, put together a soup or stew that will fill your home with its wonderful aroma, call and chat with a friend who might need some positive encouragement, use your best china for dinner tonight, or add a votive to a recycled jar with a ribbon around the neck & sit it somewhere you can enjoy while you work.  

Remember, happiness comes from within and cannot be bought with any amount of money.  Embrace and bless your circumstances.  Do not allow them to control and define who you really are.  You deserve better than that.

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I am happy to be joining Ricki Jill at Art @ Home for 


  1. Great post and such true statements. Hugs, marty

  2. Carol, loved this post! So true and well said!

  3. Carol this is exactly what I have been doing since I told a friend with Cancer to take these steps for herself.

    Get a new book to read, buy a bright shade of lipstick, go to a funny movie or rent several. Take a walk at dusk. Yes a favorite cozy sweater around your neck. It does not have to cost anything to brighten your life!

    New 2013 Artists Series

    1. I think it's so interesting that often times we give someone else the exact advice we need ourselves. Great that you recognized it.

  4. Wonderful advice, Carol! I spent Wednesday in my PJ's and although I had a great comfy, day, yesterday I got a bit dressed up to go into the city for lunch and it was like breathing fresh air. It's snowy and cold outside right now and I lit a candle...amazing how warm I feel now!

    I'm so glad you are sharing some of this book with us. It is truly inspiration.


  5. Thank you for sharing this well said..actually perfect post!! I needed this, mean, about working with what we got..how perfect is that! Very many a times things happen to us beyond our control, so we do NEED TO WORK WITH WHAT WE GOT!! I do have some sundays that I spend in my pj's and I so enjoyed tehm..but as soon as I hit the street, I have to bathe and fix myself..I'm not the snicker and sweat suit type, lol..except for the gym, hehehe.. I have a new book I'm reading, I love you, my blog friends, therefore, I blog a lot. I also watch movies with hubby with a bowl of popcorn..we do our best. Thank you for your wonderful visit too!

  6. I started this book a long time ago (an old boss gave it to me) and enjoyed it. Didn't get past a couple months though. Perhaps I should bring it out again. Been feeling like I need more of something lately and needing to feel more inspired. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I've ordered this book, Carol. This is such an inspiring post, and I do agree that happiness is a choice. We can't depend on external circumstances to make us happy!

    I wish more people wrote posts like this for Literary Friday. Another reader does write posts like this from time to time. Thanks so much for linking-up!


  8. Such a warm and heartfelt post. Great insight and encouragement!
    Blessings Carol!

  9. That is such a good reminder for us to live by. Accepting our circumstances and not stressing over things we can't control. That is such a good book. I can tell you're really enjoying it.

  10. Some great advice! Everyone can live with a bit of encouragement now and then! Cheers.

  11. S.A. is one of my all time favorite books! I have read and reread it many times. In fact I think I might need to pluck it off the shelf again.

    1. I've read it several times, too. It just felt like reading it again this year was the best resolution I could make. Thanks for stopping by, Laura.

  12. Carol,
    I love this post! It is such a good reminder that circumstances happen...it is how we deal with them that matters. And to take control of the wheel of the car instead of sitting in the back seat...now that really speaks to me. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much for reading my post and for your great comment.

  13. Isn't it funny that the simplest things in life need reminding. What wonderful reminders that will serve us all! I am always reminding myself that every thing I do, feel , say are my decisions as well as the outcome. Have a great weekend.

  14. Great post! I keep trying to remind myself of this.

  15. Words to live by Carol - here's to enjoying the moment!

  16. Love this post. I am thinking of retiring from my job and it is so hard to give it up. I think it's time and I keep praying for the signs and strength to do so. Anyway, I have this book and it would probably be a good thing for me to pick it up. :)


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Make this a great day!